
renin n.【生物化學】腎素;高血壓蛋白原酶。


Renin secretion is controlled by at least four mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive : a renal vascular receptor responds to changes in tension in the afferent arteriolar wall ; a macula densa receptor detects changes in the delivery rate or concentration of nacl in the distal tubule ; circulating angiotensin has a negative feedback effect on renin secretion ; and the sympathetic nervous system stimulates renin secretion via the renal nerve mediated by receptors 腎素的分泌至少受四種互不排斥的機制控制:腎血管受體對向心小動脈壁張力變化的反應;致密斑受體發現遠端腎小管內氯化鈉傳遞速率或濃度的變化;循環的血管緊張素對腎素的分泌的負反饋效應;和交感神經系統經由受體介導的腎神經刺激分泌腎素。

Renin - angiotensin system ( ras ) plays an important role in the regulation of peripheric blood pressure , where angiotensin converting enzyme ( ace ) is considered to be the core of the system . ace plays a key role in increasing the blood pressure by catalyzing the formation of the potent vasopressor angiotensin ii ( ang ii ) from angiotensin i ( ang i ) 在該系統中, ace酶是血壓調節過程中一個關鍵的酶,它可以將無活性的血管緊張素( ang )水解生成具有血管收縮作用的血管緊張素( ang ) ,從而導致血管收縮,機體的血壓升高。

Combining the ace inhibitor and the arb , “ which target different aspects of the renin angiotensin system , may hae merit in the treatment of both cardioascular and metabolic disease , which are characterized by reciprocal relationships between endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance , “ the inestigators conclude Ace抑制劑聯合arb , “針對腎素血管緊張素系統的不同方面,在治療內皮功能障礙與胰島素抵抗相互關聯的心血管和代謝病方面有優勢, ”研究人員得出結論。

Although angiotensin is generally acknowledged to be responsible for renovascular hypertension , at least in the early phase , there is no consensus regarding the role of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system in patients with primary hypertension , even in those with high pra 普遍認為,血管緊張素對腎血管性高血壓負有責任,至少是在早期,但是,在原發性高血壓病人,甚至是pra升高的原發性高血壓病人中,人們對腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統所起的作用尚無一致意見。

Other mechanisms become involved when hypertension due to an identifiable cause ( eg , catecholamine release from a pheochromocytoma , renin and angiotensin from renal artery stenosis , aldosterone from an adrenal cortical adenoma ) has existed for some time 當因某些易于確定的原因所引起的高血壓存在一段時間后,如嗜鉻細胞瘤釋放的兒茶酚胺、腎動脈狹窄所產生的腎素和血管緊張素、腎上腺皮質腺瘤分泌的醛固酮等,其他機制也會參與高血壓病的形成。

Our aim was to determine whether inhibitors of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , which can reduce entricular hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis , can improe diastolic function to a greater extent than can other antihypertensie agents 腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統可以減小心室肥大和減少心肌纖維化,我們的目的就是確定這一系統的抑制劑是否比其它抗高血壓藥物能更好地改善心臟舒張功能。

Anp is a circulating hormone with asodilatory and diuretic properties that inhibits the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , which has been suggested to modulate cardiac sympathetic nere actiity and cardiac remodeling Anp是循環系統中的一種激素,其舒張血管和利尿特性能夠抑制腎素?血管緊張素?醛固酮系統。普遍認為腎素?血管緊張素?醛固酮系統能夠調節心臟交感神經活性和心臟重塑。

The mosaic theory states that multiple factors sustain elevated bp even though an aberration of only one was initially responsible ; eg , the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system 鑲嵌理論認為,有多種因素使血壓維持在升高位置,盡管最初起作用的異常因素只有一個,如交感神經系統和腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮之間的相互作用。

However , the mechanisms of this differential adaptation are still not well understood . we hypothesized that local renin - angiotensin system ( l - ras ) might function as an local regulatory mechanism 這種分化性適應的調節機制目前尚不清楚,我們推想血管組織的局部腎素-血管緊張素系統( localrenin - angiotensinsystem , l - ras )可能發揮重要局部調控作用。

Owing to persistent electrolyte abnormalities and renal salt loss , hormone studies were done and revealed elevated concentrations of cortisol , adrenocorticotropic hormone , aldosterone , renin and 17 - hydroxyprogesterone 但實驗室檢查卻發現持續性代謝性酸中毒,電解質失調包括低血鈉,高血鉀,低血氯和大量鈉離子由尿液中流失。

Buraczynska m , ksiazek p , lopatynski j , et al . association of the renin ? angiotensin system gene polymorphism with nephropathy in type diabetes [ j ] . pol arch med wewn , 2002 , 108 : 725 ? 730 吳松華,項坤三,鄭泰山,等.腎素?血管緊張素系統三個關鍵基因與2型糖尿病腎病發病關系的研究[ j ] .中華內分泌代謝雜志, 2001 , 17 : 331 ? 334

Renin , a proteolytic enzyme formed in the granules of the juxtaglomerular apparatus cells , catalyzes conversion of the protein angiotensinogen to angiotensin i , a decapeptide 腎素是腎小球旁體細胞顆粒內形成的一種蛋白水解酶,催化蛋白血管緊張素原轉換為血管緊張素,即十肽。

Sympathetic innervation of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney releases renin ; angiotensin stimulates autonomic centers in the brain to increase sympathetic discharge 腎臟腎小球旁體的交感神經支配釋放腎素;血管緊張素刺激大腦自主中樞,增加交感沖動發放。

Alcohol also interferes with the liver s ability to metabolize hormones , such as renin and angiotensin , which are important for maintaining blood pressure control 酒精還干擾肝臟代謝激素如腎素和血管緊張素的能力,而這些激素對于保持血壓正常是很重要的。

Plasma renin activity ( pra ) is usually normal in patients with primary hypertension but is suppressed in about 25 % and elevated in about 15 % 原發性高血壓病人的血漿腎素活性( pra )通常是正常的,但約25 %受抑制,約15 %可能升高。

In the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , the juxtaglomerular apparatus helps regulate volume and pressure 在腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統中,腎小球旁體幫助調節血容量和壓力。

Associations of the polymorphisms in the renin - angiotensin system with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy 血管緊張素系統基因多態性與糖尿病及合并腎病的關系

Use of renin - angiotensin system blockers improved minimally , as did blood pressure control 運用腎素-血管緊張素系統阻斷劑組改善最小,和血壓對照組一樣。

The changes and signi ficance of renin - angiotensin - aldostcronelactivity in patients with chronic heart failure 醛固酮系統在慢性心力衰竭中的意義