
renewal n.1.更新。2.復活,恢復,復新。3.再開始。4.重做...


What is the grace period for domain name renewal 域名續約(續費)的寬限期是多長?

Requirements for renewal of a driving instructor s licence 續領駕駛教師執照的要求

Licence renewal vehicle registration examination 換領車輛牌照(車輛登記及檢查)

What is the grace period for domain name renewal 什么是域名續約(續費)的寬限期

He receives a vip renewal every january 每年一月,他都會收到一張續簽過的貴賓卡。

The luo family in korea and its genealogical renewal 兼及韓國羅氏與中國羅氏的關系

Study on urban renewal and management in nigeria 尼日利亞的城市更新與管理研究

Issue and renewal of seaman s identification documents 簽發及更換海員身份證明文件

Other key measures to facilitate urban renewal 其他加快市區重建步伐的主要措施

Examination of private cars for the renewal of licence 私家車接受檢驗以便續牌

Application for renewal of driving and vehicle licence 申請換領駕駛執照及車輛牌照

Lcq6 : work progress of urban renewal authority 立法會第六題:市建局的工作進展

What is the term of registration and renewal 注冊和續約(續費)的期限是多長

We ' ve dealt with several renewals this week 我們在本周內處理了幾件續約的事。

Spring is a time of renewal and a time for love 春天是萬物更新和戀愛的時節。

Renewal of business registration renewal of business registration 換領商業登記證

Renewal of financial policy for western development 西部大開發中的金融政策再思考

Change the thought mode to promote the national renewal 轉變思維方式推進民族復興

Application for renewal of a massage establishments licence 申請按摩院牌照續期