
renew vt.1.翻新(舊物),更新。2.使(精神)一新;使復活...


Renewing process for the perishable hi - tech product 易逝性高科技產品更新的研究

Please renew your offer on the same terms and conditions 請按同樣條件恢復報盤。

Should ever fade away , they ' ll help renew your spirit , 他她們會從新讓你看清:

Several points on how to renew socialist political economics 的新政治經濟學分析

We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry 我們可以在代理協議期滿時續訂

Renewed page will be more beautiful and friendly ( 4 )更新了的版式更友好美觀。

This idea, sharply expressed by morris's handsome lips, renewed for a moment to the poor girl's temporarily pacified conscience all its dreadful vividness . 莫里斯英俊的嘴唇把話說得這樣明白,可憐的姑娘暫時平靜的感覺中一時又浮現出可怕然而真切的想象。

It is the depth of this renewed movement which suggests a convergence of sociological thought in the midst of apparent fragmentation and diversity . 這一復興運動之深刻,使人感到處于明顯解體和分歧中的社會學思想又趨向輻合。

Then her impressions were still so fresh and so quickly renewed that there was as yet hardly a hint of vacancy in the view . 而且她對這兒的印象還這么新鮮,這么變化多端,她幾乎不能想象她會產生什么空虛的感覺。

The accounting function can also be included by subtracting the subscription rate from the appropriate fund when the subscription is renewed . 這可包括這樣的會計職能:當續訂時,從撥給的經費中,減去續訂費。

The princess charlotte's death, however, altered the case; and when the duke of kent renewed his offer, she accepted it . 然而夏洛蒂公主之死把情形改變了:肯德公爵重申前議的時候,她就答應了。

Young people had to learn to renew and preserve nature's resources, so that they might live on the land for generations . 年輕人不得不學習更新和保護自然資源,以便在這塊土地上世代生活下去。

There was little doubt, that, with the slightest encouragement, he could put them in motion, and renew the civil war . 不容置疑,只消他略加慫恿,就會使他們重新發動一次內戰。

Japanese exports continue to invade new markets the world over, provoking renewed cries for protection . 日本的出口商品不斷涌入世界各地新的市場,迫使人們再次呼吁采取保護。

I well remembered all; language, glance, and the tone seemed at the moment vividly renewed . 我全部清清楚楚地想得起如言語、眼神,聲調等,似乎一下子都活生生地重新顯現出來。

I think that, henceforth, nothing but some extraordinary jarring of that chord could renew it . 我以為今后除了那心弦受了某種非常的震撼,沒有什么能夠使它復發的。

At the galapagos rift, volcanic activity beneath two geologic plates renews the earth's crust . 在加拉帕戈斯裂谷,兩地質板塊下面的火山活動使地殼更新。

Due to the renewed emphasis on education, the estimated increase for 1984 might materialize。 由于對教育的再度重視,1984年,預計的增加可能會成為現實。

Sleep, the kind strengthener enables us to face the days task with renewed heart ! 睡眠這親切的強身劑,它使我們能夠以煥然一新的精神迎接一天的操勞!