
renegotiate vi.,vt.(-ated, -ating) 重新商議,...


Instead , a complex web of hundreds of individual bilateral agreements , usually painstakingly negotiated and renegotiated year after year , regulates not only services by airlines between foreign destinations , but also how often and at what price these services can be provided 一個復雜的、由數以百計、經過雙方多年艱苦的談判、再談判才達成的協議網絡規范管理吁國際航空業。無論是航空公司提供的境外目的地之間的服務,還是航空公司可以以甚么樣的價錢及次數提供這類服務等等,都在它們的管轄之內。

By early 1970 each of the four beatles was working on a solo album , but each publicly denied rumors of a split . in september 1969 , lennon told his bandmates t hat he wanted to quit , but because the group was renegotiating with emi at the time , the breakup was temporarily put aside 錄音前, george martin的另一個建議被接受了,這就是加上john的口琴,但他們不得不改變原先由john主唱love me do的計劃,而改由paul來主唱,這使天生有“舞臺恐懼癥”的paul大為緊張。

The most important thing about renegotiating with an employedcoach is to keep track of the light bulbs , you have the same 3 chancesto give him a proper offer , if he declines you 3 times in a row he willleave your club at the end of the contract duration with no morechances for you to improve it 最重要的是注意右上角三個小圓球燈( 1 、 2 、 3 ) ,他們代表你有三次機會修改合同,如果三次過后教練還不滿意你的合同,他就會在原合同到期后離開球隊不再談判。

The parties shall then in good faith renegotiate the terms and conditions as to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision by a valid provision , the effect of which is the closest possible to the intended effect of the invalid or unenforceable provision 當事人應當本著誠信通過協商的方式重新達成一些條款或條件,來取代那些無效的或不可執行的條款,新條款的意思應當盡可能地與被認定無效或不可執行的條款相接近。

With reference to the sale of saab airborne surveillance systems to pakistan , the customer has for financial reasons and in accordance with the original contract , asked to renegotiate part of the contract concerning a reduction of the number of systems 對于薩博空中監視系統出售給巴基斯坦,客戶因財政原因,參照原合同,關于減少系統數量的問題請求重新談判。

He suggests some companies may be looking to renegotiate their contracts with offshore suppliers to ensure they have in place quality procedures as robust for remote locations as they would in the us or western europe 他表示,一些公司可能正打算重新議定與離岸供應商的合同,以確保在這些與其相距甚遠的地方擁有與它們在美國或者西歐一樣強大的質量控制程序。

Every time a project falls behind , critical new information is uncovered , or the competitive landscape of your industry changes , you will need to renegotiate tasks , plans , goals , or fees with your key stakeholders 當某個計劃發生延誤、重要的新資料突然出現、或業界的競爭環境改變時,你都必須重新與重要關系人針對任務、計劃、目標或費用進行協商。

Once the commission makes its recommendations , says victor kasongo , congo ' s deputy minister of mining , the government will decide whether to leave the deals untouched , renegotiate or cancel them 剛果采礦部副部長維克多?康索果說: “一旦委員會提出建議,政府將決定或者保留原來合同不動,或者重新談判,或者加以取消。 ”

She has said she plans to renegotiate the $ 7 billion that argentina owes the paris club of rich - country lenders ? but rejects the club ' s requirement that the imf be involved 她講道她計劃對70億美元的貸款重新開展協商,這些資金是阿根廷向二十國委員會所借的借款,但是她卻拒絕該委員會讓國際貨幣基金組織參與此事的要求。

Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in bear last november following a precipitous drop in the us bank ' s shares , according to people familiar with the matter 據知情人士介紹,去年11月,在貝爾斯登股價出現驟跌后,中信證券首先提出重新討論它將在這家美國投行持有的股份。

The bush administration wants 56 oil and gas producers to renegotiate gulf of mexico drilling leases that let them avoid paying as much as $ 10 billion in government fees 布什政府想讓56家油氣生產商就墨西哥灣的鉆井租賃問題重新進行談判,此鉆井租賃可以使其所在政府節省高達一百億美圓的費用。

The bush administration wants 56 oil and gas producers to renegotiate gulf of mexico drilling leases that let them avoid paying as much as $ 10 billion in government fees 布什政府想讓56家油氣生產商就墨西哥灣的鉆井租約問題進行再次磋商,該租約使得他們免去了政府近1千萬的費用。

“ i was disappointed with the chelsea directors when i wanted to renegotiate my contract , i cannot accept the lack of respect , “ he told the people “當賽季初的時候,偶曾要求重新談判偶的合同,但他們沒有給偶應該得到的,偶對切爾西高層的舉動表示失望。 ”他告訴媒體。

On the basis of the conclusion , the paper defines the high - technology enterprises as a repeatedly , successively renegotiating relational contract 并在此基礎上,給出了高新技術企業作為一個特殊的關系契約,其特殊性在于契約的多重性和遞進談判特征的解釋。

Apple needed to renegotiate the contracts with the five major record labels , because they were initially one - year contracts and were signed ahead of the launch of the online 因為與一些唱片公司最初簽署的協議都是一年期,因此蘋果的確需要續簽新的合同。

Renegotiating pays full tribute to life ' s inevitable changes and says that we deem our friendships worthy of preserving 這種重新的對待是無常的世事所需,同時也使我們相信我們之間的友誼是值得維持下去的。

The frenchman is currently renegotiating his contract , which expires in 2008 , but has been barred from going to inter 這個法國人正在討論續約,他現在的合同將會在2008年到期,但是已經被拒絕轉會國米

It is possible that some of the smaller issues involved in the reconstruction plans will be able to be renegotiated 有可能的是,在與重建計劃相關的次要問題中,有一些可以再行商榷。

House : ( about a lecture ) i ' m not doing it . ( leaves , then stops ) you ' re supposed to stop me . renegotiate (談論做一個演講)我不會去的. (離開,然后止步)你應該叫住我,重新談條件的