
renege vt.否認;放棄 (one's country); 拒絕...


Cuba reneged on its promise to allow the refugees entry ; president roosevelt ignored pleas for them to be let into america ; and after nearly four weeks at sea the ship was forced to turn back to europe 古巴出爾反爾,拒絕難民入境;羅斯福總統對于難民想進入美國的懇求不予理睬;而圣路易斯號在海上逗留了約四個星期之后,被迫返回歐洲。

Bayern ' s ire was stoked further by hargreaves ' s apparent reneging on an extended contract he signed a matter of months earlier , with kahn urging the midfielder to honour his deal 此外哈格里夫斯明確的拒絕了自己在一個月前簽下的續約合同,這使得拜仁更加惱火。而卡恩則勸他接受這份合同。

As a result , the structure of banking was seriously weakened , and in 1814 a run on banks11 forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie 結果,銀行業的結構嚴重削弱,而1814年的銀行擠兌迫使大多數銀行背棄自己的法定義務,拒絕將銀行券兌換成金銀。

Ay , says john wyse . we fought for the royal stuarts that reneged us against the williamites and they betrayed us . remember limerick and the broken treatystone “哎, ”約翰懷思說, “我們為斯圖爾特王室戰斗過,他們卻在威廉那一派面前變了節,背叛了我們。

Mr zong has not denied the existence of the parallel network , but says danone reneged on their agreement by acquiring rival businesses in china 宗慶后沒有否認存在平行業務網,但他表示,達能在中國收購競爭對手公司,違背了雙方的協議。

It would be unfortunate if it were to renege on commitments to international standards that most of the world supports and adheres to 如果這個回應是違背其對于得到世界上大多數國家支持和遵守的國際標準的承諾,那將是令人遺憾的。

Ultimately , the chinese concluded that the u . s . had reneged on its promise , made by way of the , to give chinese access to educational facilities 中國最終認識到美國背棄了burlingame treaty中為中國留學生提供良好教育的承諾。

But there is also a temptation to renege to gain sales , much as one prisoner might end up ratting on another 但違背約定,降低價格來贏得銷售也很誘人,正如其中一個囚徒會出賣同伴,先說出供詞。

Would the kremlin really renege on russia ' s biggest foreign investments 克里姆林宮真的會對俄最大的國外投資出爾反爾么?

There must be no reneging 絕對不能有反悔。

And then he reneged on his pledge and that was my motive for attack 之后卻食言而肥那便是我采取攻擊的動機

And then he reneged on his pledge 可是他最后卻食言而肥。

Any more colourful candidate could renege on a deal 任何不同政見的候選人都可能就此交易而報復。

Someone who writes about reneging on pledges 有人寫了這些背信的事

Both sides kept accusing each other of reneging on it 兩邊都不斷指責對方違反了協議。

If you renege again , i am going to gut you 如果你再食言,我會挖出你的內臟!

Someone who writes about “ reneging on pledges 有人寫出了“食言而肥”這樣的詞語,