
renegade n.叛教者,改信伊斯蘭教的基督教徒;變節者,叛徒,脫黨者...


In the 3rd century bc , manetho , a hellenistic egyptian chronicler and priest , alleged that moses was not a jew , but an egyptian renegade priest , called osarseph , and portrayed the exodus as the expulsion of a leper colony 公元前三世紀,希臘化的埃及年代記編者和祭司曼內托,聲稱摩西不是一個猶太人,而是一位背叛埃及的祭司,稱為奧薩瑟夫,被當作一批被逐出的受蔑視僑民而描寫在《出埃及記》上。

The apache geronimo project has been working for a number of years now to produce a roll - your - own application server , as jeff genender from the geronimo project called it in a recent renegade interview see Apache geronimo項目已開展多年,現在可打造自主開發的應用服務器在最近的renegade訪談中,參與geronimo項目的jeff genender就是這樣稱呼它的(請參見

Brad pitt s performance as a renegade , sugar - tongued hitchhiker who gets picked up by the two title characters in ridley scott s thelma and louise 1991 grabbed universal attention despite only a few minutes worth of screen time 接下去是在一部不怎么樣的電影cutting class ,這部片子對他的成為大影星沒有起什么作用,但他結識女朋友吉爾舒蘭。

His callous renegade justice , however , is not tolerated by the authorities . faced with so many unexplained deaths , the police enlist the assistance of the young genius l , whose eccentricity is aptly portrayed by matsuyama kenichi 長居于山上的爺爺跟村民十分疏遠,但其冷漠之心也被純真的凱迪融化了牧童彼得自幼也失去父愛,跟凱迪一見如故。

Rss is supposed to be based on xml or xml rdf standards . unfortunately , the famous wild west community behind rss has many renegade elements producing feeds that are not even well - formed xml 不幸的是, rss背后那個以牛仔作風聞名的社區有很多離經叛道的成分,生成的消息包( feed )甚至都不是結構良好的xml 。

Manila - - a group of filipino renegade officers and soldiers who staged a standoff with the government in the financial hub of makati city surrendered to police after half day of confrontation 馬尼拉? ?在金融中心馬卡蒂與政府對峙的一群叛變軍官和士兵經過半天的對質后向警方投降。

Against this background of fin - de - siscle malaise come two hit men from hong kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby 謝夫提出兩個選擇,一是暗殺澳門大佬,一是搶奪一噸黃金。和選擇前者,但卻命喪槍下。

Against this background of fin - de - si ? cle malaise come two hit men from hong kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby 謝夫提出兩個選擇,一是暗殺澳門大佬,一是搶奪一噸黃金。和選擇前者,但卻命喪槍下。

Oh , i have been base , cowardly , i tell you ; i have abjured my affections , and like all renegades i am of evil omen to those who surround me ! “ no , merc 噢,我告訴你,我曾是個下賤懦怯的女人,我背棄我的愛情,象所有背叛教義的人一樣,我把不幸帶給了我周圍的人! ”

Such renegades are less likely than other tumours to stimulate an immune response , precisely because they escaped the attentions of the immune system in the first place 這些逃離者不如其他腫瘤那樣刺激免疫反應,正是因為它們首先逃避了免疫系統的注意。

I think this image looks like a death star chasing a renegade fighter , just about the time you realize that means the death star is headed towards you 我覺得這張照片象是一個“死星“正在追逐一個骷髏戰士,然后你會發現這意味著”死星“正在象你而來。

I honor the courageous , those who are willing to redefine the very essence of existence and to carry that renegade spark into a new version of the game 我敬重勇敢的人,他們愿意重新定義存在的本質并且傳達背叛的火花進入一個新游戲版本內。

When i was asked to write this inaugural column for “ the geronimo renegade , “ i thought that first i d like to answer those questions 當我被邀請為“ geronimo叛逆者”編寫開始的這一期時,我認為首先我應當回答這些問題。

Cb : the english poetic tradition ? just as the european and north and south american traditions ? has a long line of renegade poets 伯恩斯坦:正如歐洲、南北美洲的傳統一樣,英語詩歌傳統中反叛的詩人不勝枚舉。

Four thrilling coasters , the renegade rapids river raft ride , the perilous tomahawk and mindbender , and the mystery river log flume 如果你喜歡冒險,也可以乘坐橡皮艇在湍急的renegade rapids河中順流而下。

Besides all , he had an overseer - - a great , tall , slab - side , two - fisted renegade son of vermont 除此之外,他還有一個監工- -此人生得身材魁梧,腰細拳粗,是你們佛蒙特人的一個不肖子孫。

And then no renaissance came , and times continued to change nothing stayed the same , but there were always renegades 我也未預計到到最后會鬧翻分手那么糟觀眾及友好怎去面對好

A renegade new zealand sheep that managed to evade the shearers for six years has finally had a haircut 新西蘭的一只綿羊為了逃避剪羊毛出逃六年后,最終還是難逃剪羊毛的命運。

It will be another form of business functionality rather than some renegade thing that has come in 這將是一種與傳統并不相悖的新型商業運作模式。