
rene n.雷內〔男子名〕。


Although they only made it onto the pitch for the post - match celebrations , reserves boss rene meulensteen feels united ' s youngsters will have benefited from sunday ' s carling cup final win 雖然他們只是在球場上作賽后慶典,預備隊經理雷內.穆倫斯汀覺得曼聯的年輕人會從周日曼聯一線隊的聯賽杯勝利中受益。

Jakobson , roman . 2002 . the metaphoric and metonymic poles [ a ] . in : dirven , rene and ralf p ? rings ( eds . ) . metaphor and metonymy in comparison and contrast [ c ] . berlin / new york : mouton de gruyter 胡家巒譯.現代主義小說的語言:隱喻和轉喻[ a ] .呂同六.二十世紀世界小說理論經典[ c ] .北京:華夏出版社, 1995

“ we need at least 300 santas to meet the demand but we only have about 100 signed up so far , “ said rene heydeck , 40 , who also runs the agency ' s “ father christmas desk “ 現年40歲的雷內海德克說: “我們需要至少300個圣誕老人才能滿足各方面的需求,但到目前為止僅有大約100人與我們簽約。

“ we need at least 300 santas to meet the demand but we only have about 100 signed up so far , “ said rene heydeck , 40 , who also runs the agency s “ father christmas desk “ 現年40歲的雷內海德克說: “我們需要至少300個圣誕老人才能滿足各方面的需求,但到目前為止僅有大約100人與我們簽約。

On new year s eve 1999 , in montreal , cine dion gave her last public performance before beginning a temporary hiatus from show business to enjoy her private life . . 由于出生在法語區,在rene的建議下, celine去了蒙特利爾的一個學校學習英語,經過幾個月的不懈努力, celine基本掌握了英語。

“ we need at least 300 santas to meet the demand but we only have about 100 signed up so far , “ said rene heydeck , 40 , who also runs the agency ' s “ father christmas desk “ 現年40歲的雷內?海德克說: “我們需要至少300個圣誕老人才能滿足各方面的需求,但到目前為止僅有大約100人與我們簽約。

To take two notorious examples , consider from music john cage ' s infamous four and a half minutes of silence and from painting rene magritte ' s the treason of images 以兩個臭名昭著的例子為證, … …約翰?凱奇音樂中聲名狼藉的4分半鐘沉默和勒內?馬格里特的繪畫《形象的背叛》 。

Rene liu has got a lot of best actress awards from “ double vision “ and a lot of other movies . the story is about eileen chang s whole life . eileen was born in shanghai in 1920 釋演張愛玲的劉若英曾以“雙瞳“ , “徵婚啟事“ , “美麗在唱歌“ ,及“少女小漁“得過多個最佳女主角獎

Wang bo andy lau and wang li rene liu should have made the perfect bonnie and clyde : the former a seasoned con mean and master pickpocket from hong . . 以偷竊及詐騙為生的扒手情侶王薄劉德華和王麗劉若英,因王麗厭倦此種生活意欲隱退,兩人因此反目。

Initiated by iihf president rene fasel the hockey development camp program is part of the international ice hockey federation ' s complete youth hockey program 冰球訓練營活動由國際冰球總會現任會長法索先生提議并推動實施,屬于總會完整的青年推廣活動。

Rene meulensteen ' s team will retain the title if second - placed villa drop points against either liverpool at walsall on monday or leeds at villa park on thursday 如果第二名維拉隊在利物浦或者利茲身上丟分的話雷內-穆倫斯汀的球隊將會保留冠軍頭銜。

Every year on her birthday xiaomi played by rene liu will wait impatiently for an email that arrive punctually no matter what from someone she would . . 其女兒孟麗君葉璇為求學問,唯有女扮男裝到書院求學,因而認識微服出巡的蒙古王孫鐵穆. .

Backed by a ratings - obsessed producer rene russo and coached in the finer points of copdom by a veteran star william shatner , spoofing his t . j 節目推出后大受觀眾歡迎,而軍火交易幕后黑手正策劃大茶飯,矛頭正指米曹和崔士的生命安全

“ we need at least 300 santas to meet the demand but we only have about 100 signed up so far , “ said rene heydeck , 40 40歲的雷內海德克說: “我們需要至少300名圣誕老人,但到目前為止只有100人跟我們簽約。 ”

“ we need at least 300 santas to meet the demand but we only have about 100 signed up so far , “ said rene heydeck , 40 40歲的雷內?海德克說: “我們需要至少300名圣誕老人,但到目前為止只有100人跟我們簽約。 ”

In 1996 rene started working with linux and has used it ever since in various flavors and for different purposes 1996年rene開始從事linux方面的工作,從那時起就以各種形式為了不同的目的而使用linux 。

Rene meulensteen is back at united to take up the role of technical skills development coach , after a spell in management 在哥本哈根的執教經歷之后雷內-穆倫斯汀回歸曼聯執掌技術部門。

Geraldine , please confirm lunch for two at rene ' s and cancel the other reservations 杰拉爾丁,確認一下在雷內餐館兩個人的午餐,其他地方的預訂取消。

The martial - arts epic has an all - star cast , including andy lau , rene liu and ge you 這部功夫巨片擁有一個包括劉德華、劉若英和葛優在內的全明星陣容。