
rendition n.1.〔美國〕翻譯,重顯,再現,復制;演出,演奏。2....


The multispectral rendition shown in plate vib was generated by projecting records 1 , 3 , and 4 as blue , red , and green respectively 。 圖板vib所示的多光譜再現是將記錄1 , 3 , 4分別以藍、紅、綠投影而得到的。

The renditions paperback series was launched in 1986 , and often writers stayed at the centre to aid in the translations 《譯叢文庫》平裝系列在1986年推出以來,經常邀請原著作者到訪,協助本中心的編輯與出版工作。

“ he s delightful , delightful , “ he went on , giving the commonplace rendition of approval which such men know “啊,他真是一個有趣的演員,很討人喜歡。 ”他繼續說著,用這些人所能想到的泛泛贊語介紹著。

Monroe performed a sultry rendition of “ happy birthday to you “ for kennedy on may 19 , 1962 , at new york ' s madison square garden 1962年5月19日,夢露為慶祝肯尼迪生日,在紐約曼哈頓廣場花園傾情演出。

More detail and outstanding sharpness along with high d - max , this paper features enhanced sharpness for rendition of finer details 除獲得了最高品質的文字再現外,還可清晰再現細線和致密的花樣花紋。

These cases do , however , illustrate the value of putting in place a formal rendition arrangement with the mainland 移交逃犯安排不過,兩案證明了內地與香港訂立正式的移交逃犯安排是有好處的。

In addition , the sale or lease of goods and property including the rendition of services to rhq are zero - rated 3 此外,所出售或租賃的貨物、地產、包括提供給地區總部的服務,一律不收增值稅。

Oops , jerrid seems to have hit puberty in my rendition . my april a submission for the multi - artist exchange 哎呀?他好像在我的筆下經過了青年期。 2007年四月上旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

Today we ' re going to talk about protototyping : producing cheaper , less accurate renditions of your target interface 今天,我們講產品原型:以低投入的、非精確的形式設計目標產品界面。

Artist rendition of newly designed world trade center tower at 200 greenwich street south seen at night 在格林威治南街本初子午線所經之地晚上藝術家展示了最新的世貿中心大樓的設計。

The “ i wan ran puppet theater ” heeds to promoting and preserving the traditional dramatic rendition as its foremost objective 亦宛然掌中劇團以推廣及保存傳統戲曲為首要目標。

These cases do , however , illustrate the value of putting in place a formal rendition arrangement with the mainland 不過,兩案證明了內地與香港訂立正式的移交逃犯安排是有好處的。

Photographic lenses ; their influence on colour rendition of colour films ; recommended values for colour contribution index 照相鏡頭.鏡頭對膠片彩色還原的影響.第6部分:彩色作

Mother and i are especially fond of the tchaikovsky concerto , and your rendition of it was simply superb 媽媽和我特別喜歡柴可夫斯基的小協奏曲,您把那支曲子演奏得好極了!

Her renditions of okinawan songs of celebration and sad songs for homesick travelers always move the audience 她演唱的沖繩祭典歌謠和洋溢濃濃鄉愁的抒情曲總是能感動聽眾。

Photographic lenses ; their influence on colour rendition of colour films ; terms , values for colour contribution index 照相鏡頭.鏡頭對膠片彩色還原的影響.第5部分:術語和

Wang went on to set the mood for the evening with a rousing non - stop rendition of three of his hits 經過3首連續不斷的歌曲表演,力宏很快調整自己進入狀態。

This rendition bears more resemblance to my cousin because she reminds me of tomoe 這張畫大概看起來比較像我的表妹因為她時常令我聯想到雪代巴。

New singers whose voices typify different feelings sing old songs again as their own rendition 新歌手用他們不同的嗓音唱出不同味道的歌曲。