
rendezvous n.〔sing., pl.〕1.【罕】指定集合地;集合基...


The old soldiers made the town hall their rendezvous 老士兵們把市政府當作他們的聚集地。

Superior room rendezvous merry hotel shanghai reservation 高級房,上海美麗園都大酒店預訂

Retreat to 2nd rendezvous point date of order 09 . : 00 hours 限令九小時內撤退至第二集結點

Precision analysis of long distance navigation of rendezvous 交會對接遠距離導引精度分析

Retreat to 2nd rendezvous point date of order 09 : 00 hours 限令九小時內撤退至第二集結點

The rendezvous is due to take place on 11 april 預定抵達時間在4月11日。

I bet everybody would love to hear about your rendezvous 我打賭大家都想知道你的會面點

Fc : poll out and return to command rendezvous 艦隊指揮官:退出。返回指定的集合地點。

To : we have arrived at rendezvous coordinates 戰術情報官:我們已經到達指定集合地點。

Kilo and romeo squads , rendezvous at sector 01 Kilo和romeo小組到01區匯合

Deluxe room rendezvous merry hotel shanghai reservation 豪華房,上海美麗園都大酒店預訂

Hour and a half off the rendezvous with the bird 到集合地點還有1個半小時

Fought my way to the rendezvous and here we are 總之是過五關斬六將終于和你們會合了

Solution for optimal 3 - impulse rendezvous problem 三脈沖最優交會問題的解法

I ' ll meet you at the rendezvous point on t atooine 我會在塔圖因星上的集合點等著你的

I thought we were supposed to rendezvous on the side entrance 我以為應該在側門集合

The cafe is a rendezvous for college students 這咖啡館是學院學生的聚集地。

The young amelia was first at the rendezvous 這次的約會還是少女阿梅麗號最先到達。

Rendezvous at the far window on the first floor 集合地點在一層最遠端的窗戶處