
render vt.1.報答,報復;歸還,付還;交付,交納。2.提出,...


This caused the utmost anxiety and rendered all concentration futile . 這引起了莫大的焦慮,而且使一切力量的集中都前功盡棄。

The supreme court rendered a unanimous verdict for the government in 1905 . 最高法院于1905年一致作出有利于政府的裁決。

She believed that love was everything. man must render himself up to her . 他認為愛情便是一切,男人必須完全屈從于她。

Thorough washing and disinfecting of a building may not render it sterile . 徹底清洗消毒建筑物,可能達不到無菌狀態。

The organ will not be reduced or rendered rudimentary at this early age . 器官在早的齡期內不致被縮小或呈退化狀態。

It is a collection of the most exquisite rendering of ancient chinese verse . 這里面匯集了中國古詩文的翻譯精品。

He could write of them sound english, and render them into sound english . 他能夠把它們寫成或翻譯成純熟的英文。

A virtuous person may be rendered vicious by encephalitic lethargy . 有道德的人患了昏睡性腦炎可能變得不講道德。

A small difference between them will render the composite translucent . 微小的差別,也會使復合材料變成半透明。

This manoeuvre rendered the position of the girls exceedingly critical . 這樣的形勢對姑娘們來說頓時危急起來。

Freshly dead poultry can be rendered into fertilizer or other products . 新死的家畜可以煉制成肥料或其它產品。

Today's competition renders obsolete huge chunks of what we know . 今天的競爭使得我們的大部分知識變得陳舊了。

To their deliverer the poets paid the greatest tribute they could render . 詩人們竭盡全力地贊頌自己的拯救者。

Damaged detonators are to be rendered safe by firing them . 對損壞的雷管進行安全處理的辦法就是把它們炸掉。

These bombs had be dug out, and exploded or rendered harmless . 必須把這些炸彈挖出,將它們爆破或使之失效。

This renders all breaches of morality before marriage very uncommon . 這樣一來,婚前敗壞道德的事就少見了。

It cannot be said that air attack has rendered the battleship obsolete . 不能說飛機的攻擊淘汰了戰列艦。

I had shown an obliging disposition to render her some little services . 我表示愿意為她辦些零星小事。

His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom . 他的敘述是方言和土語最成功的運用。