
rend vt.1.割裂,劈開,使分裂,使分離。2.〔古語〕(因憤...


Some organizations rent the platforms from municipalities and public utility companies . 有些經營種子園的組織,從政府機關或公用公司租用這些機具。

Even jordan's party; the quartet from east egg, were rent asunder by dissension . 連喬丹的那一伙,從東卵來的那四位,也由于意見不和而四分五裂了。

It appeared preferable to rent freight vessels at new york, and to load them with the iron in bars . 看起來,在紐約租船裝運鐵錠,是比較合算的。

Only landowners gain, because they can rent or sell land at higher prices . 只有土地所有者得到了好處,因為他們能夠以更高的價格出租或出售土地。

Most of his other few possessions had long since been sold to pay arrears of rent . 他的其他一些不多的財產大部分都早已被變賣還了欠租。

A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat . 一只惡狗張牙舞爪猛地朝他撲來,撕破了他的上衣。

I ran to my room and locked the door, fearing that grandpa would rend me to pieces . 我跑回屋子,反鎖了門害怕姥爺會把我撕成碎片。

Cries in exultation of the well-known good physician rent the hall of the count . 為了這著名的好醫生而歡呼的聲音震動了法庭大廳。

The lease is explicit in saying that the rent must be paid by the 10th of every month . 租約上說得明白,每月10號必須交租金。

As the man was unemployed, the council decided to write off the arrears of rent . 因為這個人失業,地方議會決定取消其欠租。

She meant the saloon; the proprietor also had rooms for rent upstairs . 她指的是酒店,老板在樓上也有空房間出租。

However, you probably should put your rent into an “escrow“ account . 但是,你也許應該將房租向銀行“提存”。

Anyhow there'll be no rent to pay and no novelettes to write . 總之,不用再付房租,也不用再寫小說了。

My landlord 's threatening to put the rent up by $ 10 a week . 我的房東要挾說要把每周租金提高10美元。

Her tenant left , bag and baggage , without paying the rent . 她的房客未付房租就帶著行李包裹離去了。

We must look over the house before we decide to rent it . 我們必須先查看一下這所房子再決定租不租。

It was a comfort to think that there was not rent to pay . 想到用不著付房租真是件很愜意的事情。

She struck the web with her shuttle and rent it in pieces . 她用梭子猛擊織物,并把它弄得粉碎。

Do not fall behind with the rent , or you will be evicted . 不要逾期不繳房租,否則會被逐出。