
renal adj.腎臟(部)的。 renal calculus 【...


Child renal syndrome treated through tcm syndrome differentiation 中醫辨證治療小兒腎病綜合征32例

Possible mechanism of renal injury in severe acute pancreatitis 重癥急性胰腺炎急性腎損傷機制探討

Expression of p53 protein in renal cell carcinoma 53蛋白的表達

Diet therapy of chronic renal failure 慢性腎功能衰竭的飲食治療

Study on the early indices of renal damage in lead exposed workers 鉛作業工人腎損害早期指標研究

Influence of sanye insect tea on the renal hypertension rats 三葉蟲茶對腎性高血壓模型大鼠的影響

The correct application of astragalus root in treatment of renal disease 黃芪在腎病中的正確運用

Retroperitoneoscopic unroofing of renal cyst : a report of 20 cases 后腹腔鏡腎囊腫去頂術20例報告

Clinical pathological feature of 6 cases of papillary renal cancer 6例乳頭狀腎癌的臨床病理特征

The clinic analyses of hemorrhagic ferer with renal syndrome of 194 cases 8水平檢測的臨床意義

Effects of vancomycin on the renal function in elderly patients 萬古霉素對老年人腎功能的影響

People with renal diseases have to eat salt - free foods 患有腎臟疾病的人只能吃不含鹽的食物。

Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the pancreas is uncommon 摘要腎細胞癌很少轉移到胰臟。

Lymphoma initially presented as a renal mass in this case 本例腎淋巴瘤最初表現為腎臟腫塊。

Talks about renal damages of chinese medicine 再談中草藥的腎損害問題

Diagnosis and treatment of closed renal trauma 閉合性腎損傷的診治體會

Imaging diagnosis of renal angiomyolipoma 腎血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的影像診斷

The white arrow marks a renal vein thrombus 白色的箭頭指示腎靜脈血栓。

Transfection of ad - ho - 1 on renal tubular epithelial cell 40離心澆鑄爐管