
rena n.麗娜〔女子名〕。


We will reach the essence of it in this chapter by reading the leading cases such as the merak [ 1965 ] and the annefield [ 1971 ] , which reflect the attitude of english court towards general incorporation clause and special incorporation clause ; the miramar [ 1984 ] and the rena - k [ 1978 ] , which reveal the verbal manipulation regulations on incorporated clauses from c / p ; the sannicholas [ 1976 ] , which gives resolution when the incorporation clause fails to point out the c / p meant to incorporate 本文在分析英國典型案例的基礎上對這些規定逐一予以分析。首先,通過merak案、 annefield案的分析介紹英國法對一般并入條款和特別并入條款的規定;其次,通過miramar案、 renak案的分析揭示英國法對意圖被并入提單的租約條款作語言調整的規定;最后,通過sannicholas案闡明英國法在并入條款未指明提單意圖并入哪一份租約時的處理方式。

In 2002 educational researchers at queen s university led by dr . rena upitis conducted the largest ever study in canada measuring the effect of the arts upon academic achievement and social development 2002年由rena upitis教授帶領的昆士queens大學教育研究人員發起了加拿大歷史上最大規模的關于藝術對學習成果和社交發展能力的影響度的調查。

Conclusions : rena . inflammatory pseudotumor ' s imaging specificity is not high , which can lead to misdiagnosis , but selective renal arteriography and multiple points biopsy are important for diagnosis 選擇性腎動脈造影和多點穿刺有助于鑒別診斷,術中快速冷凍切片是診斷和決定手術范圍的直接依據。

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Gin has an assignment for rena given from the boss himself 琴酒從上級本人那里帶來一個任務給憐奈。

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[ scene change to rena , on the phone ] after she hangs up , gin appears 在她掛掉電話之后,琴酒出現。

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Mother ' s love and mrs . dee rena ' s fate 母愛與德183 ;瑞那夫人的命運

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