
remunerative adj.有報酬的,有利的,合算的。 remunerati...


Another thing just struck him as a by no means bad notion was he might have a gaze around on the spot to see about trying to make arrangements about a concert tour of summer music embracing the most prominent pleasure resorts , margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas , eastbourne , scarborough , margate and so on , beautiful bournemouth , the channel islands and similar bijou spots , which might prove highly remunerative 忽然間他還興起另一個挺不壞的念頭:何不籌組一次包括最著名的游樂勝地的夏季演奏旅行,前往各地漫游:馬蓋待76的男女混浴場第一流的礦泉和溫泉療養地,伊斯特本,斯卡伯勒77馬蓋特等還有景色優美的伯恩茅斯,海峽群島78以及諸如此類小巧精致的地方。

According to legislator eric li ka - cheung who represents the accounting profession , although the commissioner of inland revenue was not a highly remunerative and attractive position for eligible professionals , it was encouraging to see that many qualified applicants were willing to devote themselves to serving the community 循會計界參選的立法會議員李家祥表示,稅務局局長月薪福利對合資格的專責人士不算很吸引,很高興業內多人愿意承擔責任參與公職。

After a long seclusion she had come to a resolve to undertake outdoor work in her native village , the busiest season of the year in the agricultural world having arrived , and nothing that she could do within the house being so remunerative for the time as harvesting in the fields 她在家里躲了很長一段時間,后來才下定決心走出門外,在村子里找點兒活于,因為那時候農村里一年中最忙的季節到了,她在屋里做的任何事情,都比不上當時在地里收莊稼賺的錢多。

The contract between the transferor and the transferee has no other defect in validity except for the transferor ' s want of right of disposition , which is limited to remunerative contract 善意取得不以交易行為有效為前提,惟交易行為的效力瑕疵只限于處分人的處分權欠缺。善意取得限于有償取得為宜。

We have , therefore , a shortage of teachers , due first to their attraction into more remunerative fields , and secondly to the inadequate status and emphasis given 因此,我們缺少教師,首先是因為他們被吸引到報酬更優厚的地方,另一個原因是教師地位低,得不到足夠的重視。