
remuneration n.報酬,酬勞;賠償,補償。


But it is difficult to judge what levels of remuneration are appropriate 至于報酬多少才算適當,則難以定奪。

Remuneration strategy for improving the competence of railway enterprise 提升鐵路運輸企業競爭優勢的薪酬戰略

Discover 2003 2004 remuneration market 2004薪酬發現

Tax official : the director fees should be paid according to remuneration 稅務局:董事費按勞務報酬計征。

Remuneration for special appointments 特別職位的薪酬

On the formation and its significance of modern system of author ' s remuneration 近代稿酬制度的形成及其意義

Remuneration package of staff 公署職員的薪酬福利條件

Scanning remuneration in some industies 行業薪酬掃描

For tax purposes , you should also return the remuneration paid to 作為雇主,你亦須申報下列人士的薪酬入息

I : did you choose this company on account of high pay ( or remuneration ) 你是因為薪水高才選擇本公司的嗎

Remuneration and reimbursements for members of the legislative council 立法會議員酬金及工作開支償還款額

The jury shall award the following prizes and remuneration to directors 評審團將頒出下列獎項及獎金:

May i ask about the remuneration 我可以問問薪酬是多少嗎

Report remuneration paid to employees 申報支付給雇員的薪酬

Income from remuneration for personal service 勞務報酬所得

Did you choose this company on account of high pay ( or remuneration ) 你是因為薪水高才選擇本公司的嗎

She have a monthly remuneration of400 她每月薪水為400英鎊。

Notification of remuneration paid to persons other than employees 支付薪酬給雇員以外人士的通知書

Reporting remuneration paid to an employee 申報支付給雇員的薪酬