
remunerate vt.報酬,酬勞;給…賠償[補償]。 His troub...


The competition of market has already been the competition of merchandise not only now , the competition of more important service , want and raise the service level of the business enterprise , raise a customer satisfaction , so with customer directly get in touch with of the attendant became count for much , this text with service profits chain for theories foundation , emphasize the research attendant ' s importance to business enterprise , also stand on the angle of business enterprise , research how make attendant satisfied , pass and study us influence an attendant satisfaction of the factor mainly have the following what time : arrange a suitable work post for the employee , provide the opportunity of training for the employee , the reasonable salary remunerates , constructing a good work environment , to the employee ' s respect degree , the relation etc . of the colleague ' s , the business enterprise can pass to improve an above condition , promote the employee ' s satisfaction , make the business enterprise and employee attain a double to win thus 現在市場的競爭已經不光是商品的競爭,更重要的是服務的競爭,要想提高企業的服務水平,提高顧客滿意,那么與顧客直接接觸的服務人員就變得非常重要了,本文以服務利潤鏈為理論基礎,著重研究服務人員對企業的重要性,同時也站在企業的角度,研究如何才能使服務人員滿意,通過研究我們得出影響服務人員滿意的因素主要有以下幾點:為員工安排合適的工作崗位,為員工提供培訓的機會,合理的薪金報酬,營造良好的工作環境,對員工的尊重程度,同事之間的關系等等,企業可以通過改善以上條件,來提升員工的滿意度,從而使企業與員工達到雙贏。

The bread must suffice to remunerate all these labourers , and several others ; such as the carpenters and bricklayers who erected the farm - buildings ; the hedgers and ditchers who made the fences necessary for the protection of the crop ; the miners and smelters who extracted or prepared the iron of which the plough and other instruments were made 面包必須足以對所有這些勞動者和其他勞動者付酬,所謂其他勞動者是指建造農場房屋的木匠和瓦匠、為保護農作物而修建圍籬和挖溝的工人、開采或冶煉制作犁及其他農具所用鋼鐵的礦工和冶煉工。

Such expenses are regarded as effecting a change in the basis in which a business remunerates its employees and not the structure of the business per se . however , please note that the cost in establishing a mpf scheme does not include the initial or special lump sum contributions to the scheme 通常可以,因有關開支會被視為雇主只是因改變雇員薪酬基準,而非因改變其業務架構的開支。但須注意成立強積金計劃的費用并不包括首次或特別整筆支付予強積金計劃的供款。

Under this plan , only ems items that have achieved the required quality of service will be fully remunerated . this plan provides postal administrations with an incentive to deliver ems items and to transmit tracking information on time - key requirements in enhancing service competitiveness in the express market 根據這項計劃,只有符合服務質素要求的特快專遞郵件才會獲付全費,藉以鼓勵各郵政機關準時派遞特快專遞郵件,以及傳送郵件下落的資料,務求提升競爭力,切合當前速遞市場的需要。

Members views on the proposed amendments to the advisory guidelines on matters of ethics in relation to the conduct of members of the legislative council of the hong kong special administrative region in their capacity as such and on the proposal to tighten up the registration requirements for remunerated directorships 委員對就關乎香港特別行政區立法會議員以其議員身份所作行為的道德標準事宜訂定的勸喻性質的指引的擬議修訂及收緊受薪董事職位登記規定的建議的意見

In this connection , will the government inform this council whether it knows the scores given to each item by each of the ranks of health care staff in each hospital in the report of the above survey , and whether ha will respond to the scores by developing corresponding measures to improve situations such as staff working overtime and being remunerated differently for the same kind of jobs , so as to enhance job satisfaction of its staff 就此,政府可否告知本會,是否知悉上述調查的報告內每間醫院每個職級的醫護人員對各個項目的評分,以及醫管局會否就該等評分制定相應措施,改善員工超時工作和同工不同酬等情況,以增加員工對工作的滿意程度?

Nevertheless , it is from the harvest that the payment is to come ; since the farmer would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him , and with a profit too on this fresh advance ; that is , unless the harvest would yield , besides the remuneration of the farm labourers ( and a profit for advancing it ) , a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough - maker ' s labourers , give the plough - maker a profit , and a profit to the farmer on both 但是,支付的貸款將從收獲中獲得,因為除非農民預期收獲會使貸款得到償還,并會帶來利潤,也就是說,除非收獲在給農場勞動者帶來報酬外,還有足夠的余額來支付制犁匠的報酬,給予制犁匠和農民兩者以利潤,否則他是不會支付貨款的。

The reactive power is of great significance . it can reduce loss , improve voltage wave , increase power quality and maintenance system stabilization . as the generation and net disjoined , remunerating the reactive cost relates the benefits of the generation and transmission 隨著電力市場的改革,廠網分離,競價上網后,無功成本的收回問題關系到發、輸電各方切身的利益,逐漸受到人們的重視,但由于對其研究起步較晚,尚未形成完善的理論。

Implements , on the contrary , being susceptible of repeated employment , the whole of the products which they are instrumental in bringing into existence are a fund which can be drawn upon to remunerate the labour of their construction , and the abstinence of those by whose accumulations that labour was supported 與此相反,工具是可重復使用的,因而可用它們生產的全部產品,來為制造工具的勞動,以及那些用存糧養活勞動的人的節欲支付報酬。

The mental ( immaterial ) producers are merely productive , according to his views , because they are remunerated with values of exchange , and because their attainments have been obtained by sacrificing values of exchange , and not because they produce productive powers 依照他的見解,精神(非物質的)生產者之所以具有生產性,只是由于他們是獲得了交換價值報酬的,并且是由于他們的報酬是犧牲了交換價值得來的,并不是由于他們生產了生產力。

The rude manufactures destined for the wants of the cultivators are worked up by village artisans , who are remunerated by land given to them rent - free to cultivate , or by fees paid to them in kind from such share of the crop as is left to the villagers by the government 用來滿足耕種者需要的原始制造業由鄉村工匠逐步建立起來,這些人靠耕種不收租的土地或村民從政府留下的收成中付給他們的實物獲得報酬。

Since materials are destroyed as such by being once used , the whole of the labour required for their production , as well as the abstinence of the person who supplied the means for carrying it on , must be remunerated from the fruits of that single use 既然原料一經使用就會毀滅,所以為生產它們所需的全部勞動,以及提供生產手段的人的節欲,都必須從這種使用所產生的成果中得到報酬。

They also expressed concern that any discretionary element in a facility of the kind under consideration might be seen as an attempt by the hkma to control interest rates or as a policy of remunerating banks for holding clearing balances . 6 成員并擔心構思中的機制若然涉及金管局的酌情運作,可能會被視為金管局試圖控制利率或對持有結算馀額的銀行支付回報的一種政策。

The legal person or organization shall reward or remunerate the individual ( s ) who developed the technology with a percentage of the benefits accrued from the use and transfer of the employee - developed technology 法人或者其他組織應當從使用和轉讓該項職務技術成果所取得的收益中提取一定比例,對完成該項職務技術成果的個人給予獎勵或者報酬。

Members views on the committee on members interests plan to stipulate that members shall register the names of the parent companies of the companies in which they hold remunerated directorships 議員對議員個人利益監察委員會計劃規定議員須登記他們擔任受薪董事的公司的母公司名稱一事的意見

The spouse / partner often replaces an interesting career with a boring one that is less well remunerated , then winds up in a smaller flat in an unfamiliar town 那些配偶或伴侶通常是放棄了有趣的職業,代之以薪酬微薄、枯燥乏味的工作,然后住到一個陌生城鎮的小公寓里。

The manager is authorised to manage his human and financial resources along commercial practices but civil service pay scales should continue to be adopted for remunerating staff 主管人員可以用商業手法管理人力及財政資源,但員工仍然按公務員薪級表支薪。

Supplementary note on “ registration requirements for remunerated directorships in selected legislatures “ , prepared by the research and library services division 補充資料- “選定立法機關的受薪董事職位登記規定的資料“ ,由資料研究及圖書館服務部擬備

Such expenses are regarded as effecting a change in the basis in which a business remunerates its employees and not the structure of the business per se 通常可以,因有關開支會被視為雇主只是因改變雇員薪酬基準,而非因改變其業務架構的開支。