
remove vt.1.移動,遷移。2.拿走,撤去,收拾(碗碟等);脫...


Truth has removed from the earth . 真理蕩然無存。

He is but one remove from me . 他和我僅隔著一代。

In conifer orchards new stumps should be removed . 在針葉樹的種子園,新的伐樁應予除掉。

These chemicals are difficult to remove from water . 要從水中清除這些化學物質是困難的。

He is but few removes from me . 他和我隔著兩三代。

Hulls may be removed by aspiration on screens . 脫下的種皮,可由篩子上的氣吸裝置吸除。

The cook singed the chicken to remove the fine hairs . 廚師把雞燎一下,以便去掉細毛。

It will require a court order to have norris removed . 撤換諾里斯需要法庭的命令才行。

Remove any dishes she may have touched and boil them . 她所碰觸過的碗碟全部拿去消毒。

All previous ill will has been removed . 前嫌盡釋。

Have you removed all the weapons as i bade you ? 你照我的吩咐把所有的兵器都挪走了嗎?

The boy is removed from school . 這男孩被學校除名了。

One way or another the missiles would have to be removed . 無論如何,導彈必須撤除。

Metal and glass beads may be removed by irrigation . 金屬和玻璃珠子可用灌水法取出。

The boy is removed from school . 這男孩被學校開除了。

All debris and detached epidermis must be removed . 一切碎屑和分離的老皮必須清除。

He began to remove his equipment as soon as he entered . 他一進門就卸下他的裝備。

The strakes would be difficult to remove before launch . 整流罩很難在發射前去掉。

He sponged down the car to remove the shampoo . 他用海綿把汽車上的洗滌劑擦掉了。