
removal n.1.移動,遷移;撤退;折卸。2.排除;除去;切除;殺...

removal sod right

The removal of infected materials also restricts the spread of armillaria in established orchards . 把所有受感染的東西消除掉,也是在已建立的種子園中限制密環菌傳播的辦法。

In the wake of the removal of this forest for cultivation is a desolate, bare, and rocky eroded land . 開墾土地而砍伐森林所留下的跡象是一片荒蕪,裸露和巖石被侵蝕的土地。

Removal techniques must be considered based on toxicity, aesthetics, and possible long term effects on the biophere . 必須根據毒性、觀感及對生物的長期作用考慮去除措施。

The existence of displacement costs also counsels gradualism in the removal of existing trade barriers . 由于轉移費用的存在,因而建議在取消現有貿易壁壘時采用漸進主義。

Mrs. dashwood was prudent enough to remain at the cottage without attempting a removal to delford . 達希伍德太太深通世故,留居于自己的鄉間別墅,并不打算遷到迪拉弗德。

Removal of bap from the trachea was prevented by fixing the implanted pellet within the wall of the airway . 把灌入的藥丸固定在氣管壁中,能防止Bap從氣管中被清除出去。

But more data is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of absorption on sludge as a removal process . 但需要更多的資料來論證污泥吸附作為一種去除方法的效能。

The most general means of generating carban nucleophiles involves removal of a proton from a carbon . 從碳原子上移走一質子,是產生親核性碳的最普通手段。

It is noteworthy that best copper removal occurred at ph 6. 0, with the addition of ferrous sulfate only . 顯然,除銅率最高是在PH值6只加入硫酸亞鐵之時。

It permits removal of all dead tissue soon after injury and encourages early closure of the wound . 傷后不久所有的壞死組織即可清除,以使創面早日封閉。

More data is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of adsorption on sludge as a removal process . 需要更多的資料來論證污泥吸附作為去除方法的效能。

By this method of treatment the wastes are stored in a settling basin for the proper removal of solids . 當用這種處理方法時,廢水需先在沉淀池里停留。

The vice president is the only member of the executive branch not subject to removal by the president . 副總統是行政部門中唯一總統不能免職的官員。

Underground erosion is the removal of solids, from the soil by the flow of underground water . 地下侵蝕是指固體顆粒被地下水流從土壤中帶走的現象。

Sulfur removal can be carried out either before or after co conversion as the situation dictates . 要根據具體情況來決定脫硫在CO變換之前或者之后。

Strains require special treatments for removal such as spotting with organic solvents . 要清除這些著色物質,需要特殊處理,例如:滴加有機溶劑。

Ventilation is concerned with the supply of fresh air, the removal of contaminants and heat . 通風涉及的是新鮮空氣的供應,污染物和熱量的排除。

Removal of these residues is essential to obtain maximum stability of the polymer . 要使聚合物具有良好的穩定性,將這些雜質除去是非常重要的。

These chemicals are applied to fabrics to aid in the removal of dirt and oil born stains . 這些化學品用于織物,以去涂污物和油類產生的污點。