
remount n.新馬,接替的馬;新補充的馬群,新馬的補充。vi.,v...


Since this was his point of view , it was with no regret at taking no part in the approaching battle , but with the greatest satisfactionwhich he did not conceal , and his comrades fully understoodthat he received the news of his appointment to go to voronezh to purchase remounts for his division 正因為他如此看問題,他在得知奉派去沃羅涅日為他的那一師補充軍馬時,他不但不為不能參加臨近的戰斗而感到難過,而且非常高興,他對此并不掩飾,他的同事也充分了解他這種心情。

This last proof , instead of giving him fresh strength , deprived him of it ; the pickaxe descended , or rather fell ; he placed it on the ground , passed his hand over his brow , and remounted the stairs , alleging to himself , as an excuse , a desire to be assured that no one was watching him , but in reality because he felt that he was about to faint 這新的進展不但沒有使他增加新的力量,而且把他原有的力量也削弱了。鶴嘴鋤落下來的時候,幾乎是從他的手里滑下來的。他把它放到地上,用手擦了擦額頭,回身跑上石級,雖說是去看看有沒有人在窺視他,但實際上是因為他覺得快要昏倒了需要呼吸點新鮮空氣。

The account that silver agreement a network signs before you can take this person id to mix now arrives open an account to deal with net silver to cancel when ground site , website of remount collection construction bank is registered afresh enlightened , if want to use , turn the function pays on zhang remittance or net , take account of this person id , deposit , mobile phone to arrive even open an account to nod conduction net silver to sign when earth mat about , after the autograph is made an appointment with the setting logins to trade inside 7 days it is ok that the password downloads certificate 你現在可以帶上本人身份證和之前簽約網銀的賬戶到開戶當地網點辦理網銀注銷,再登錄建行網站重新注冊開通,假如要使用轉賬匯款或網上支付功能,還要帶上本人身份證、儲蓄賬戶、手機到開戶當地網點辦理網銀簽約,簽約后7日內登錄設置交易密碼并下載證書就可以了。

He had learned that dant s had been taken to prison , and he had gone to all his friends , and the influential persons of the city ; but the report was already in circulation that dant s was arrested as a bonapartist agent ; and as the most sanguine looked upon any attempt of napoleon to remount the throne as impossible , he met with nothing but refusal , and had returned home in despair , declaring that the matter was serious and that nothing more could be done 他打聽到唐太斯已經被投入了監獄,就去找他認識的所有的朋友和城里那些有錢有勢的朋友,但城里的風聲已經傳開,說唐太斯是被當做拿破侖黨的密使而被捕的,而且當時再大膽量的人也認為拿破侖東山再起是狂妄之舉,因此,莫雷爾先生也四處遭到拒絕,只能是失望的回家。

Guilin has become a remounted brand with recent years of large - size rebuilding . however , we can still find many a problem in guilin running - water company if you compare with those famous domestic water - supplying enterprises and guilin , this famous appellation 桂林市自來水公司在改革開放和城市建設中也取得較大成績,但仍存在不少問題,特別是在適應改革形勢市場,與國內知名供水企業相比差距甚大,與桂林市這個品牌也不相稱。

One of the nice things about ext3 is that because it is based on the ext2 code , ext2 and ext3 s on - disk format is identical ; this means that a cleanly unmounted ext3 filesystem can be remounted as an ext2 filesystem with absolutely no problems Ext3最妙的特性之一是:因為ext3基于ext2的代碼,所以它的磁盤格式和ext2的相同;這意味著,一個干凈卸裝的ext3文件系統可以作為ext2文件系統毫無問題地重新掛裝。

On his return from his leave , nikolay had been joyfully welcomed by his comrades and sent off for remounts . he succeeded in bringing back from little russia some first - rate horses that gave him great satisfaction , and won him the commendation of his superior officers 休假回來,同伴們高興地迎接他,尼古拉被派去置辦補充馬匹,他從小俄羅斯烏克蘭領回了好馬,這使他很高興,而且也博得長官的贊賞。

Now that your filesystems are consistent or if your filesystems were unmounted cleanly when you rebooted and you skipped the previous step , you can simply remount the root filesystem as read - write and mount proc as follows 既然文件系統已經一致(或者,如果文件系統在系統重引導時已經卸裝干凈,并且您跳過了上一步驟) ,我們可以簡單地以可讀寫方式重新安裝根文件系統并且安裝/ proc ,如下所示:

Buy fund with silver of construction bank net , a negotiable securities card can handle in bar , silver of remount collection net makes an appointment with autograph of negotiable securities card the net is silver - colored , can go up in net silver directly buy fund 用建行網銀買基金,可以在柜臺辦個證券卡,再登錄網銀把證券卡簽約網銀,就可以直接在網銀上購買基金。

Fig . 4 ) to prevent the scroll from being cut up into several pieces that could then be remounted and sold separately . knowing more about what seals are used for can enhance our appreciation of a work of art 一般較長的手卷是以數段紙或絹合裱而成,容易被人分拆,在段與段縫接的地方鈐上騎縫印(圖4 )則可增加分拆的難度。

Fig . 4 to prevent the scroll from being cut up into several pieces that could then be remounted and sold separately . knowing more about what seals are used for can enhance our appreciation of a work of art 一般較長的手卷是以數段紙或絹合裱而成,容易被人分拆,在段與段縫接的地方鈐上騎縫印圖4則可增加分拆的難度。

Then , we ll take a look at another new 2 . 4 feature called “ bind mounts “ , which allow a great deal of flexibility when it comes to mounting and remounting filesystems 然后,我們將簡單地介紹另一個2 . 4內核的新功能,叫做“綁定安裝” ,它在安裝(和重新安裝)文件系統的時候帶來了很大的靈活性。

Declare dutiable goods to what the tax authority opens an industry system . come back later , remount of date of every month 1 - 10 records a website , can declare dutiable goods so 到稅務機關開通企業的報稅系統。之后回來,每個月1 - 10號再登錄網站,這樣就可以報稅了。

In a couple of words , nikolay had bought for six thousand roubles seventeen stallions , all perfect examples of their several breeds as he said , as show specimens of his remounts 尼古拉三言兩語就以六千盧布買下十七匹精選如他所說的種馬,作為補充馬匹的樣品。

If you are performing these steps manually , we recommend that you repeat these tests update cycle when remounting the reporting volume to each of the reporting servers 如果手動執行這些步驟,則建議您在將報表卷重新裝入每臺報表服務器時,重復這些測試更新循環。

He remounted the bridge , and guided the steamer through the flotilla of junks , tankas and fishing boats which crowd the harbour of hong kong 一聲哨響,引水員走上了艦橋。他領著仰光號從這條擁擠著各種木船汽艇漁船以及其他船只的香港航道中穿行。

I modified my “ checkroot “ startup script so that the following commands would run immediately after my root partition was remounted read write 我修改了“ checkroot “啟動腳本,使以下命令可以在根分區重新安裝讀寫后立即運行:

There are some useful scripts provided with pebble linux to let you remount the root filesystem as either read - only or read write 與pebble linux一起還提供一些有用的腳本,它們可以讓您將根文件系統重新掛裝為只讀或讀寫。

Fortunately , tmpfs allows you to specify a maximum upper bound for the filesystem size when a filesystem is mounted or remounted 幸運的是, tmpfs允許您在安裝或重新安裝文件系統的時候指定文件系統容量的最大值上限。