
remould vt.改型,重造,改造,改鑄,改塑。 to remoul...


In the great anti - japanese national liberation war , china ' s international image gets an exaltation and china ' s great - nation station gets a complete remoulding , shown in the following aspects : the outstanding contribution of the chinese theatre and the huge sacrifice of the chinese nation are of crucial importance to the exaltation of china ' s international position ; the abrogation of the unequal treaties makes china become a member with equal rights of the international community , and china ' s great - nation station begins to take a favorable turn ; the ascendance as the “ top four “ in the world fully represents the improvement of china ' s international position , symbolizing the establishment of china ' s great - nation station ; in addition , both the communist party of china and the gmd make an great contribution on the exaltation of the chinese international position 摘要在偉大的抗日民族解放戰爭中,中國的國際形象得到提高、大國地位得到全面重塑,具體表現在:中國戰場的突出貢獻和中華民族的巨大犧牲為中國大國地位的提高奠定了基礎;不平等條約的廢除使中國成為國際社會的平等一員,中國的大國地位開始轉機;躋身世界“四強”是中國國際地位提高的集中表現,標志著中國大國地位的正式確立;國共兩黨都為中國國際地位的提高做出了重大的貢獻。

In the course of spreading marxism , juewu had its own characteristics . it “ greedily “ assimilated nutrition of marxism mainly by way of japan and chinese students studying there ; it willingly accepted the remoulding from the communist group in shanghai and became a special product in special era ; it took ordinary youth as the object of inculcation , set up a . special column to pour out young people ' s heart and became their bosom friend 這就是:以留日學生為載體,以日本為主要信息來源, “貪婪”汲取馬克思主義的養分;自覺接受上海共產主義小組的改造,直接處于上海共產主義小組的影響之下,成為特殊時代的特殊產兒;以廣大普通青年為教育爭取的對象,辟專欄傾吐青年心聲,成為“青年的知音” 。

The main aim is probing how remould the cnc scdma core network , how promote the ability of building network , how simplify structure of network , how raise the utilize ratio of relay and how promot capacity of network so that the new scdma core network have ameliorate and improve at some aspects of bulidding network , safety , reliability , assert and serviles support . and then , it is have advantage of development and enlarging scale of scdma 設計主要目標是探討如何對四川網通scdma核心網進行改造,提升系統組網能力,簡化網絡結構,提高中繼的利用率,提升網絡容量,以使得改造后的scdma核心網無論從系統組網、安全可靠性、可維護性,業務支持能力等等方面都得到顯著的改善和提高,以利于scdma網絡的大規模組網和發展。

Finally from the overall angle proposed jiangxi establishes the unification to open , the competition order market countermeasure measure , including the innovation market system , remoulds the circulation organization pattern , consummates the market laws and regulations and implements the effective counter - rules and regulations to the market superintendent 最后,從整體角度提出了建立江西統一開放、競爭有序的市場的對策措施,包括創新市場制度、重塑流通組織模式、完善市場法規和對市場管理者實行有效的反規制。

On the other hand , after the conflicts , the old - style private school were beginning to remould itself befittingly , which is the base for the new - learning education system to win the old - learning education system in the countryside ultimately 另一方面,舊式私塾與新式學校在經過幾番激烈的沖突和對撞之后,開始進行適時的趨新改造,為新學教育在鄉村社會最終戰勝私塾奠定了基礎。

In a word , corporate culture is a important task about enterprise development , in order to remould a new culture in company , the ch must according to the develop strategy and present conditions , by drawing lessons from do 總之,企業文化是企業發展的重要課題, ch公司要再造企業文化,必須根據公司發展戰略及現狀,在借鑒國內外優秀文化基礎上注重培育獨特的企業精神和價值觀。

In this paper , using microcomputer technigue , old heat - treatment furnaces is remoulded with light and ultra - light furnace - lining materials , which is the most effctive approach for heat - treatment furnace to save energy 采用微機技術對舊熱處理爐進行改造,使爐襯材料輕質或超輕質化,是提高熱處理爐節能的有效途徑。

To moderate the information benefits , need to be excellent to turn the government organization structure , remould the government business process , to build up a valid 協調信息各方的利益,必須優化政府組織結構,重塑政府業務流程,必須建立有效的政治激勵、約束機制和各信息主體間的利益平衡機制。

Foruthly , remoulding and assiminating compendious idioms and allusions and aphorism and famous remark containing rich philosophic theory in chinese ancient books and records 第四,對中國古代文化典藉中言簡意賅而又富有哲理的警句名言、成語典故的改造與吸收。

The change of the skeleton means the redeseign of the entire system and it thoroughly remoulds itself on the accumulated experience and lessons 但是框架的改變就意味著整個系統要重新設計和實現,但是這種重新是站在原來積累的經驗和教訓之上的一次脫胎換骨。

The chinese characterization of marxism is exactly the historical process of remoulding chinese traditional culture and forming modem mainstream chinese culture 馬克思主義中國化恰恰是對中國傳統文化進行改造揚棄并形成中國現代主流文化的歷史過程。

This article unifies us to remould in the government process to the position classification reform , explores our country position classification system ' s development 摘要本文結合美國重塑政府過程中對職位分類的改革,探索我國職位分類制度的發展。

At present , prison remoulding work needs urgently a criminal judicature talents ' team with high comprehensive quality and practical ability 摘要目前,監管改造工作急需一支綜合素質高、實戰能力強的刑事司法人才隊伍。

A good design can thoroughly remould our business , and significantly augment the competitiveness of our products and services 優秀的設計,可使本港工商業脫胎換骨,大大提升本地產品和服務的競爭力。

Thirdly , remoulding and assiminating the chinese ancient worthy ideas of running the country well and giving the people peace and security 第三,對中國古代優秀的治國安邦之道的改造與吸收。

To remould traditional receptive learning and adopt inquiry learning has been eye - catching in the reform 改變傳統以接受學習為主的學習方式,倡導探究學習的學習方式成為本次課程改革的亮點。

Results of cbm testing and remoulding of reservoir in eastern yunnan and western guizhou and related problems amp; amp; suggestions 滇東黔西地區煤層氣開發試驗及儲層改造效果分析與建議

Results of cbm testing and remoulding of reservoir in eastern yunnan and western guizhou and related problems amp; suggestions 滇東黔西地區煤層氣開發試驗及儲層改造效果分析與建議

Firstly , remoulding and assiminating the naive materialism and epistemology ideology in chinese ancient philosophy 第一,對中國古代哲學中樸素唯物論和認識論思想的改造與吸收。