
remotion n.1.移動。2.〔廢語〕分離,離開。


After analysising the theory and characteristics of the corba and mobile agent technologies , the paper brings forward firstly a kind of mobile agent architecture - coma , and gives the solution to coma ' s asynchronous transfer , concurrent control , naming , location and intelligence mechanism in detail . furthermore , aiming at making up the flaws of the application servers based on corba in distributed group environment and solving the problem of object ' s remotion on the corba server , the paper proposes a kind of corba architecture based on mobile agent - maorb , discusses naming and transparent transfer of mobile agent in a maorb system in detail , and gives a reasonable improvement method 本文在分析了corba和移動agent這兩種分布式技術的運行原理及其特點之后,首先提出一種應用于協同環境下的移動agent體系結構coma ,并詳細給出了coma的異步遷移、并發控制、命名和尋址,智能化機制這幾個關鍵技術的解決方法。進而,為了彌補單純的利用corba技術來構建分布式集群環境中應用服務器的不足,解決corba服務端對象的可移動性問題,本文又提出了一種基于coma的corba體系結構maorb ,詳細討論了maorb系統中移動agent的命名和透明遷移以及corba和coma的結合度問題,并給出了合理的解決方案。

The system took the wireless lan , bar - code and remotion calculating , and winsock technologies to build server and client programs to realize data transfer between three subsystems , also took these three subsystems closely combine to work availably and rapidly 系統采用了條碼技術、移動計算技術和winsock技術,分別建立了服務端和客戶端程序,實現了各個子系統之間的數據傳遞,并將這三大子系統緊密地結合起來進行有效而快捷的工作。