
remote adj.(-moter; -est)1.遙遠的,遠距離的...

remote ages

Perhaps the beatific vision itself has some remote kinship with this lowly experience . 或許至福幻象本身就同這種平凡的體驗有著某種淡薄的血緣關系。

The core of the gas flow can be considered to be remote from viscous or heat transfer effects . 氣流的中心部份可以認為是與粘性或傳熱效應關系不大。

Freud's early concept of sexuality is still far remote from that of eros as life instinct . 弗洛伊德早期的性欲觀與其作為生命本能的愛欲觀相去甚遠。

He kept himself as far as possible remote from public affairs, though took his share of citizen duties . 他盡量不參與公務,卻是個關心公益的公民。

The book conjures up a strange remote world, lush in vegetation and teeming with wild life . 這本書描繪的是個奇異偏僻的世界,草木青蔥,野獸遍地。

Our not remote ancestors held the right of life and death over the surrounding vulgar . 過去不遠,我們的祖先對于周圍賤民曾經掌握過生殺之權。

Until i became president, henry ford had always been a pretty remote figure . 我當上總裁之前,亨利福特對我說來一直是一個高不可攀的人物。

The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote . 這種假設與問題或被斷言的結果之間遠遠聯系不上。

Her life was like the past of this old moorish city, full, deep, remote . 她的身世就象這座古老的摩爾城市的歷史一樣,豐富,沉邃,遼遠。

The struggle will often be severe between beings remote in the scale of nature . 在自然等級上相差很遠的生物之間的斗爭也常常是劇烈的。

The capture of rome is still remote and major political decisions must be taken . 占領羅馬仍然遙遙無期,現在必須采取重大的政治決定。

The first shells landed in the sea, throwing up remote playful spurts of water . 頭一批炮彈落進海里,不痛不癢地遠遠掀起了一排水柱。

The tumor proliferates, invades the uterine wall, and disseminates to remote organs . 腫瘤增殖,侵犯到子宮壁,并播散至遠處的臟器。

It all seemed remote but gradually the improvements have been implemented here . 這一切似乎很遙遠,但這里的工作已逐漸得已改進。

People who want to make a fortune, never think of retiring to the remote and poor provinces . 想發財的人,決不會退居窮鄉僻壤。

We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable . 我們總認為,偏僻地方的村民是友好的、好客的。

Lieutenant colonel eichmann is a remote evil name only whispered . 艾克曼中校是一個只聽見人們竊竊私議的高高在上的險惡姓名。

Sometimes, when several days went by without a letter, she became remote . 有時候幾天收不到一封信,她就變得渺不可尋了。

His mind had traveled into a remote speculation of social conditions of the future . 他的思想縈回在未來社會的遠景上。