
remorseless adj.1.無情的;無慈悲心的;冷酷的;殘忍的。2.不懊...


I am thinking of the women who for a paltry wage are compelled to work out their barren lives ; of the little children who in this system are robbed of their childhood and in their tender years are seized in the remorseless grasp of mammon and forced into the industrial dungeons , there to feed the monster machines while they themselves are being starved and stunted , body and soul 我想到為微薄的工資被迫出賣勞力的婦女;想到那些在這個制度下被剝奪了童年,小小年紀便落入貪婪之神殘酷魔掌的孩子們,他們被驅入工業牢籠成為機器怪獸的食物,心靈和肉體受盡折磨。

In the times of global competitives , teachers are charged w - ith onerous tasks of economic regeneration and expected to help rebuilt national cultures and identities . rampant and remorseless change imposed from above has become a pressing and immediate f - eature of teachers “ working lives 國家試圖通過自上而下的改革,提高對教師要求以保證其經濟利益的實現,這種培養教師順從的專業特性其結果是將教師局限在課堂上,遭到教師和專家學者們的強烈反對。

When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump , thump , thump , and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy 每走幾分鐘,它就會怦、怦、怦地狂跳不止,然后還要演變成一陣持續的、痛苦的上竄下跳的撞擊,幾乎讓他窒息了,令他感到虛弱而眩暈。

When he had traveled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump , thump , thump , and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy 每走幾分鐘,心臟就突突突地跳動,然后就一上一下劇烈地,令人疼痛地跳動,這使他都喘不過氣來,頭昏眼花。

Products with good performance and price to win the market , and good service to win the clients , which are the remorseless endeavor direction for chengdu profit technology co . ltd 以優良性價比的產品來贏得市場,以良好的服務來贏得客戶,這是成都普利菲特科技有限公司堅持不懈的努力方向。

The remorseless sea of turbulently swaying shapes , voices of vengeance , and faces hardened in the furnaces of suffering until the touch of pity could make no mark on them 激烈地震蕩著的毫不內疚的人的海洋,復仇的呼號,經過苦難的熔爐鍛煉得僵硬的臉,在那臉上憐憫再也留不下痕跡。

Remorseless attacks : this talent can no longer be triggered by the death of a rogue ' s target dummy or other pet 冷酷:此天賦不會由盜賊的無效目標或者其他寵物的死亡觸發。

The minister well knew - subtle , but remorseless hypocrite that he was ! - the light in which his vague 牧師深知這一切他是一個多么難以捉摸又懊悔不迭的偽君子啊!

I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest 我可不知道在這地球上有什么東西比七厘利息更無情的。

Within the hardened carapace beats the heart of a remorseless killer 他堅固的外殼下跳動的是一顆冷血的殺手之心。

Remorseless attacks ? added mutilate to the list of affected abilities 冷酷攻擊-影響的技能包括毀傷。

Our poor emmy, who had never hated, never sneered all her life, was powerless in the hands of her remorseless little enemy . 我們可憐的愛米一輩子不記恨,不會說帶刺的話,碰見了這么毒辣的冤家一點辦法都沒有。

The hour the savage usually chose for his most barbarous and remorseless acts of vengeance or hostility, was speedily drawing near . 那班野蠻人通常選來進行最殘酷無情的復仇或戰斗的時刻,很快就要到了。

The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line . 那個工人一輩子只干一種活,即旋緊冷酷無情的裝配線上第999號螺絲釘。

The clang and tumult were still going on, and the remorseless fires were burning fiercely as before . 鏗鏘聲和喧囂聲仍在繼續,無情的怒火和先前一樣兇猛地燃燒著。