
remorseful adj.1.后悔的,悔恨的,深受良心責備的。2.〔古語〕...


Touched by the benevolent intent of the great awakening association , the supreme master ching hai international association in tainan contributed nt 50 , 000 to the association , hoping to do its part to help these remorseful souls as well as praying that these lost ones find their way to a bright future 感念大覺會如此用心良苦,清海無上師世界會臺南小中心特地捐助五萬元,幫助大覺會能順利安頓這些愿意悔改的朋友,期盼這些不幸曾誤入歧途的朋友能有個光明的未來。

If it does not weigh a ton and wont drag my neck off to please you , said prince andrey . the same second he noticed the pained expression that came over his sisters face at this jest , and felt remorseful . i am very glad , really very glad , dear , he added “既然它的重量不到兩普特,就不會壓疼脖子要讓你愉快”安德烈公爵說道,但是,一當他發現妹妹聽了這句戲言,臉上就流露出憂傷的神情,他頓時后悔起來, “我非常高興,我的確十分高興,我的親人。 ”

Louis xviii . remounted the throne ; villefort , to whom marseilles had become filled with remorseful memories , sought and obtained the situation of king s procureur at toulouse , and a fortnight afterwards he married mademoiselle de saint - m ran , whose father now stood higher at court than ever 在馬賽能引起維爾福內心愧疚的記憶太多了,所以他請求并獲準了調任圖盧茲檢察官一職,兩星期后,他就和蕾妮結婚了,岳父在宮廷里比以前更顯赫了。

To drive her point home , dinata portrays pak haji on his death bed as remorseful . “ it ' s a terrible mess , “ he tells his son . “ when you marry , promise : only one wife . 為了更強調她想要傳遞的訊息,狄娜蒂安排讓帕可在臨死前感到萬分懊悔。這真是一團混亂,他告訴他的兒子。如果你要結婚,拜?你答應我:娶一個太太就好了。

But we have started doing it again . in the last century , we have built atomic bombs based on our past - life memory . instead of feeling remorseful , we are creating trouble again 不過現在又開始了,一百年以來又開始制造原子彈那就是以前殘存的記憶,既不懺悔又再想開始找麻煩。

Thus , we should try to do as well as we can and improve ourselves as much as possible instead of only saying , “ i am remorseful ; don t you see 所以,我們要盡量做好盡量改善,不是光在那邊說:我有懺悔心,難道你沒看到嗎?

This house was gloomy because it was remorseful : it was remorseful because it concealed a crime . 這座房子之所以陰森可怖,就是因為它看了令人難過,而它之所以看了令人難過,就是因為它包藏著一件罪案。 ”

Even a remorseful michael vick sniffled that it was “ a terrible thing “ 甚至懊悔不已的邁克爾.維克本人也抽泣著說那是“一件可怕的事情” 。

Shui han demands a divorce but a remorseful de qi begs him to forgive her 水漢要和德七離婚,但德七哭著請求丈夫原諒她。

Xuan was remorseful , but he was too stubborn to admit he had been wrong 宣很懊悔,但是他又很頑固,不肯承認自己錯了。

He represented to the court that the accused was very remorseful 他代被告向法庭陳情說被告十分懊悔

Yeobright was too deeply absorbed in the ramblings incidental to his remorseful state to notice her . 姚伯由于一意痛悔,只顧胡說亂道,所以就不顧得留神她的情形了。

Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing . 艾舍斯特咬著袖子,抑制悔恨交迫的呻吟。

He represented to the court that the accused was very remorseful . 他向法庭陳情說被告十分懊悔。

As you look remorseful i will forgive you . 由于你顯得很懊悔,所以我將原諒你。