
remorse n.1.(對罪惡的)后悔,悔恨,良心的責備,自責。2.〔...


A had buyers remorse or something 有些人買了東西就會后悔

F aiiure or remorse or what e ver 失敗,或者自責,或者其他

I hereby use my glacier water to wash away the remorse and the stain 只好感激你明日我要與你分飛千里

Rostov still felt the same discomfort and vague remorse 羅斯托夫就是這樣也覺得不好意思,有點害臊。

The bed is unmade , a fact for which i feel no remorse 床上并沒有整理過,但我并沒有對這個感到不安。

“ true remorse ; and , besides , an idea had struck me . “真的很悔恨,而且,我忽然想起了一個念頭。 ”

It has something to do with her stepfather , possibly remorse . . 我想這跟她繼父的事有關可能是自責

No remorse canse i still remember 再也沒有懊悔,因為我仍然記得

I felt remorse for having hit him so hard 我后悔自己出手過重。

It has something to do with her stepfather , possibly remorse 我想這跟她繼父的事有關可能是自責

And if i show no remorse i ' ll reap the devil ' s reward 如果我表現的毫無同情我將獲得魔鬼的獎賞

Agenbite of inwit : remorse of conscience 內心的呵責。悔恨之心。

No feelings of remorse for my actions , 對我的行為沒有道德上的懊悔

I don ' t even hear a hint of remorse in your voice 我在你的聲音里面連一點后悔的意思都沒聽見

Anger is fleeting ; remorse is eternal 憤怒只是一時,悔恨卻是永遠。

Face up to history ! show true remorse ! apologize and compensate 面對歷史反省!道歉!賠償!

For the assassination itself i had never felt any remorse 而對那次暗殺,我從沒有后悔過。

Remorse don ' t you feel any remorse whatsoever 你沒感到一點點自責嗎?

In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover ' s letters 她在一陣悔恨之中把情人的信都燒了