
remora n.1.【動物;動物學】FBA4魚。2.阻礙,障礙物。


93012 nike remora iii goggle is a performance racing goggle , anti - fog shatterproof polycarbonate lenses , uv protection , neoprene and plastic gasket , three sizes of nose piece , double silicone head strap 專業游泳泳鏡,防碎的聚碳酸酯纖維,防紫外線,氯丁膠和塑料墊圈,有3個鼻橋供您更換,雙重硅膠泳鏡帶

As an underwater enthusiast , you should know what a remora really is , max 作為一名水下發燒友你應知道“羅莫斯”乃何物,麥克斯

I love these remoras 我喜歡這些“羅莫斯” !

A remora is kind of a stowaway , 錨魚是一種偷食魚

But the remora gets the spoils 但錨魚則坐享其成

Do you know what a remora fish is 你知道什么是鯽魚嗎?

Forget the jack on the rocks , let ' s have remoras all around 忘掉什么硬石杰克吧大家都來喝“羅莫斯”

These remoras really have a kick to ' em 這種“羅莫斯”真是酒勁十足

Come on , let ' s sip our remoras and talk . shall we 來吧,我們邊喝“羅莫斯”邊談怎樣?