
remonstrate vi.表示異議,抗議;抗辯 (against); 忠告,...


This paper put forward that credit estimation and guarantee of small and middle enterprise must pay attention to its characteristics , that is to say , stressing some estimations such as “ future innovation , grown - up , . development “ through normative analysis remonstrating analysis , comparing analysis and research . at the same time it must deal with whole credit and part credit combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and relative relations about methods of estimation and goals of estimation . according to characteristics of credit estimation , 1 choused index and form systems of multilayer index and select combination of delphi and ahp in order to avoid subjectivity and random for setup in the course of setup of estimation index . it should adapt flexibility of anti - guarantee setup and embody its supporting function for enterprises through qualitative analysis of anti - guarantee and estimation of risk with reason . in view of mature experience and criterion of science and technology estimation , this paper introduced into concepts about index of filtration and superior and established relative and traditional methods which are suitable for modes of small and middle enterprises for credit estimation and are applied by credit guarantee 本文運用規范分析法、實證分析法、比較分析法,通過研究提出,中小企業信用評價和擔保信用評估應注重中小企業的特點,即強調“未來、創新、成長、發展”方面的評價。同時還要處理好整體信用和局部信用、定性分析和定量分析相結合以及評價方法和評價目的相對應的幾方面關系。在中小企業信用評價指標體系的設置中要根據中小企業信用評價的特點,合理選擇指標和形成多層次指標體系,并選擇delphi法(德爾菲法)和ahp (層次分析法)相結合的方法避免權重設置的主觀性、隨意性。

Come , really , captain , he remonstrated with a muddy , thin little artillery officer , who in his stockings he had given his boots to the canteen - keeper to dry stood up at their entrance , smiling not quite naturally 他把臉朝向身材矮小形容污穢瘦骨嶙峋的炮兵軍官說道,這名軍官沒有穿皮靴他把皮靴交給隨軍商販烤干,只穿著一雙長襪,在走進來的人面前站起來,不太自然地面露微笑。

She especially blamed his ill breeding , pursing up her lips , as she did so , like a highly respectable lady whom nobody could possibly remonstrate with on the subject of good manners 因此,她不斷斥罵他,罵他沒有教養,她說話時露出一副言談舉止得體的婦女的神色,似乎她受的良好教育誰也比不上。

One day he remonstrated with the king : “ your majesty , wherever you go , you ' re always surrounded by people who flatter you with what you like 一天,他勸諫楚王說: “陛下,無論你走到哪兒,身旁總是那些奉承你的人,他們想盡辦法讓您高興,您就忘了處理國事。

The odes praised merit without flattering , remonstrated with negligent rulers without being overly harsh , and lamented fate without being excessive 贊嘆功德的,既不流阿諛?勸諫君王的,亦不顯露骨:悲嘆命運的,也不至凄厲。

When my parents remonstrate me for a transgression , i will try to keep silent and resist my teenage impulse to argue 當我因犯錯受到父母的責備時,我會不吭氣地按捺下亟欲出言頂撞的青春期的沖動。

You ll only break the thing down altogether , clifford , she remonstrated ; besides wasting your nervous energy “克利福,你這樣子只能把機器全弄壞的。還白費你一番氣力呢。 ”她規勸說。

You must not be weak , my darling , he remonstrated ; don t tremble so . i have saved him “你不能軟弱呀,我親愛的, ”他抗議道, “不要這樣發抖,我已經把他救出來了。 ”

A father who was remonstrating his kid said , “ how dare you kick your little brother in the stomach ! 一位父親責備小孩說:你怎么可以踢弟弟的肚子!

Remonstrate sb to do sth 規勸某人做某事

I remonstrated with him , your lord , and he remarked : keep it quiet 審判長老爺,我責備他了。他對我說,可別張揚出去。

Miss temple seemed to remonstrate 坦普爾小姐似乎在抗辯。

I remonstrated against his behaviour 我向他的行為提出進諫。

The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low marks 教師跟那個孩子就關于他的低分提出進言。

The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low grades 教師告誡男孩,說他的分數太低了。

I remonstrated with him about his rudeness 他粗暴無禮,我給他提了意見

“ and did you not remonstrate against such infamy ? “您沒辦法阻止這種無恥的行為嗎? ”

We remonstrated against cruelty to animals 我們向對動物的殘酷行為提出進言。

He remonstrated with his son on his laziness 他跟兒子就他的的懶惰提出進言。