
remonstrance n.抗議;抗辯,規諫,規勸,諍諫,忠告,勸告;【歷史】諫...


These were vile discoveries ; but except for the treachery of concealment , i should have made them no subject of reproach to my wife , even when i found her nature wholly alien to mine , her tastes obnoxious to me , her cast of mind common , low , narrow , and singularly incapable of being led to anything higher , expanded to anything larger - when i found that i could not pass a single evening , nor even a single hour of the day with her in comfort ; that kindly conversation could not be sustained between us , because whatever topic i started , immediately received from her a turn at once coarse and trite , perverse and imbecile - when i perceived that i should never have a quiet or settled household , because no servant would bear the continued outbreaks of her violent and unreasonable temper , or the vexations of her absurd , contradictory , exacting orders - even then i restrained myself : i eschewed upbraiding , i curtailed remonstrance ; i tried to devour my repentance and disgust in secret ; i repressed the deep antipathy i felt “這都是些丑惡的發現,但是,除了隱瞞實情的欺詐行為,我不應當把這些都怪罪于我的妻子。盡管我發現她的個性與我格格不入,她的趣味使我感到厭惡,她的氣質平庸低下狹隘,完全不可能向更高處引導,向更廣處發展我發現無法同她舒舒暢暢地度過一個晚上,甚至一個小時。我們之間沒有真誠的對話,因為談任何話題,馬上會得到她既粗俗又陳腐,即怪僻又愚蠢的呼應我發覺自己決不會有一個清靜安定的家,因為沒有一個仆人能忍受她不斷發作暴烈無理的脾性,能忍受她荒唐矛盾和苛刻的命令所帶來的煩惱一即使那樣,我也克制住了。

She saw her father s face , with its bald brow , and reverend white beard , that flowed over the old - fashioned elizabethan ruff ; her mother s , too , with the look of heedful and anxious love which it always wore in her remembrance , and which , even since her death , had so often laid the impediment of a gentle remonstrance in her daughter s pathway 她看到廠她父親的面容:光禿禿的額頭和飄灑在伊麗莎白時代老式環狀皺領上的威風凜凜的白須她也看到了她母親的面容,那種無微不至和牽腸掛肚的愛的表情,時時在她腦海中索繞,即使在母親去世之后,仍在女兒的人生道路上經常留下溫馨憶念的告誡。

But , however this remonstrance might have staggered or delayed his determination , i do not suppose that it would ultimately have prevented the marriage , had it not been seconded by the assurance , which i hesitated not in giving , of your sister s indifference 我這一番規勸雖然動搖了他的心愿,使他遲疑不決,可是,我當時要不是那么十拿九穩地說,你姐姐對他并沒有什么傾心,那么這番規勸也許不會發生這樣大的效力,這門婚姻到頭來也許終于阻擋不了。

Such vapouring , combined with the extravagant plots of monseigneur for the restoration of a state of things that had utterly exhausted itself , and worn out heaven and earth as well as itself , was hard to be endured without some remonstrance by any sane man who knew the truth 這樣的胡說八道,還有老爺們種種異想天開的計劃他們企圖重新實施當年鬧得民窮財盡天怒人怨的計劃,任何頭腦清醒明白真象的人也難以忍受而不表異議。查爾斯

With his eyes still uplifted he began forming a plan ; he would ring the bell , go upstairs despite the porter s remonstrances , break the doors in with a push of his shoulder and fall upon them in the very bed without giving them time to unlace their arms 他的目光一直盯著上面,心里籌謀著:他去按門鈴,不管門房如何叫喊,沖到樓上,用肩膀撞開門,撲到他們身上,在他倆摟在一起還沒有來得及松開膀子時,就在床上把他們當場抓住。

Up the broad flight of shallow steps , monsieur the marquis , flambeau preceded , went from his carriage , sufficiently disturbing the darkness to elicit loud remonstrance from an owl in the roof of the great pile of stable building away among the trees 侯爵下了馬車,由火炬手引導走上了一道寬闊淺平的大石階,腳步聲恰足以驚醒遠處林里馬廄屋頂上的梟鳥,使它大聲提出了抗議,此外一切平靜。

His indifference to fire was sufficiently remarkable to elicit a word of remonstrance from mr . lorry ; his boot was still upon the hot embers of the flaming log , when it had broken under the weight of his foot 他對那火的滿不在乎的神態很奇特,羅瑞先生急忙警告他,此刻燃燒的柴塊雖已被腳踩碎,靴子卻還踏在熾熱的炭火上。

He acquitted his task with characteristic serenity , and invariably replied to the remonstrances of his fair companion , who was confused by his patience and generosity , - 雖然艾娥達夫人那么懇切地一再表示反對和推辭,但福克先生還是我行我素,不聲不響地完成了他的任務。

He was so much too big for tellson s , that old clerks in distant corners looked up with looks of remonstrance , as though he squeezed them against the wall 他在臺爾森銀行也是顯得太大,連遠處角落里的老行員們也都抬起了頭,露出抗議的神態,仿佛被他擠到墻邊去了。

Passepartout , desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served , ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct ; which being ill - received , he took his leave 路路通為了不失對主人的尊敬,曾經冒險向爵士老爺恭恭敬敬地提了些很有分寸的意見。

I was about mechanically to obey him , without further remonstrance ; but as he helped me into the carriage , he looked at my face 我正要機械地服從他,而不再規勸時,他扶我進了馬車,瞧了瞧我的臉。 ,

Twenty ? four bours ' notice is the absolute most polite time frame for cancellation without remonstrance 提前24小時通知對方取消約會是絕對的最禮貌的做法,不會引起任何抗議。

Mercedes continually fluttered in the way of her men and kept up an unbroken chattering of remonstrance and advice 美茜子不斷對男人拍手跺腳,絮絮叨叨地抱怨,提建議。

M . morrel felt that further resistance or remonstrance was useless 莫雷爾先生覺得此事辯也是沒用的。

Minnie remembered hanson s remonstrance 敏妮想起了漢生的告誡。

She had abandoned all attempts at remonstrance with thomas 她已經放棄了一切勸戒托馬斯的嘗試。

I made remonstrance against his rudeness 我對他的粗暴提出抗議。

North song s taijian remonstrance and supervision and bao zheng 略論北宋臺諫與包拯

He showed me tattoo marks, baring his breast in the teeth of the wind and in spite of my remonstrances . 他給我看他身上刺的花紋,他在那刺骨的冷風里袒露著胸膛,一點不顧我的幾次三番的勸阻。