
remold vt.〔美國〕=remould.


To discuss the rheological effects of soft soil , shear strength is divided for rheological analysis . viscosity coefficient of remolding soil is used to modify partial parameters of routine soil mechanic tests . so the shear strength caused by rheological effects can be considered 在前人研究的基礎上,本文采用對土體抗剪強度分類的方法研究了軟土的流變性,提出了重塑土粘滯系數的計算方法,重點分析了常規試驗中部分參數由于流變而引起的試驗誤差。

After entering the wto , china especially have to heighten the business international competitive by informational construction . the text both discusses the reason why so many enterprise are failed in remolding and analyzes the developing process and present conditions in and abroad , 在理論方面,對企業信息化進行了供給需求進行了分析,提出了企業信息化建設的投入產出有效性分析的方法,企業信息化的水平評價及項目實施后的評價的重要性及常用方法。

Through demeaning and criticizing the intellectual images , shifting the blame to others , the writer completed the internal remolding of the intellectual , which was finalized by ideology and deprived herself of the intellectual style successfully 這一運動的效果,在丁玲的《太陽照在桑乾河上》有所反映,作家通過對知識分子形象的貶低批判和他者化,完成了將意識形態所定型的知識分子形象內化的思想改造, “成功”地將自己身上的“知識分子氣”剝離出去。

For landside correction in excavation project , this paper is based on the stress remolding method and commences to analyze the slope in excavation project : apply loads to the slope and reset the slope in an original stress and make it work like before excavation 對于開挖邊坡的滑坡問題,本論文根據應力重塑的方法對開挖邊坡進行處理,在坡面上施加荷載,使得邊坡土體恢復到未開挖的穩定應力狀態;并且利用大型有限元軟件ansys來進行等效應力分析。

Firstly the author discusses the disadvantages of the current state - owned enterprise system and put forward that the aim of the reform of state - owned enterprises is to build up modern enterprise system . then the author analyze the inner and outer relationship of corporation remold and their legal coordination 首先,對國有企業制度存在的弊端進行論述,指出國企改革的目標是建立現代企業制度,并分析了公司化改造的內、外部關系及法律協調。

In the anti - contemporary era , just because identity means all , the chongqing association for science and technology should carry out certain identity strategies by changing roles , remolding identity to fit in with the needs of the changing time and to promote its own development 隨著后工業文明時代的來臨,人類正在進入一個形象制勝的時代,科協要適應時代變化的要求,應該以實施形象戰略為契機,轉換角色,重塑形象,以促進自身的發展。

Social practice is all the social , objective and material activity with which people initiatively remold and explore the real world , and it is the basic and vigor of people ' s cognitive activity . social practice influences the forming and development of people ' s cognition 社會實踐,是人們能動的改造和探索現實世界的一切社會性的客觀物質活動,是人類認識活動的基礎和活力,在不同程度上影響著人的認識的形成和發展。

Cities in china are stepping into an era of renovation , for their old buildings , renovation in this thesis does not mean reconstruction but reutilization realized by remolding , making full advantage of architecture as resources 中國的城市正進入一個以更新再開發為主的發展階段,建筑更新問題成為社會各方關注的焦點。本文討論的建筑更新不是推倒重建,而是通過再利用的方式來實現更新,最大限度的使建筑資源得到充分利用。

However , the established germplasm banks encounter a variety of problems , such as some newly built gene banks having to be remolded and debugged several times before being put to use because china does not have specialties and standards for germplasm bank design and construction 由于植物種質資源庫具有較強的專業特點,且至今還沒有種質資源庫的設計與建設規范,致使一些新建種質資源庫需經幾次改造和調試后才能投入使用。

Facing the more and more severe market competition , the enterprises are very concerned and want to find the way to apply advanced technology to remold traditional industries . and this is also an important research and development area in the applied control technology 面對日趨激烈的市場競爭,如何應用高新技術改造傳統產業,既是企業十分關注而迫切需要得到解決的問題,又是控制技術應用中一個重大的研發領域。

Secondly , the paper looks into the necessity of remolding the aforesaid culture . some crippling practices that exist universally in private business are familial management obsolete policies , defective structure of the organization and cronyism 現存民營企業文化中存在諸多的問題,主要表現為民營企業家族式管理模式,即管理理念落后、企業組織結構不健全、用人惟親等,這些弊端阻礙了民營企業的進一步發展。

During initial stage of establishing the state , the party adopted paradoxical policies for intellectuals in the process of probing the of socialistic construction , that from the thought remolding compaign to “ shuang bai policy “ and again to the combat of “ inclining right “ 摘要建國初期,在探索社會主義建設道路的過程中,從思想改造運動到“雙百方針”的提出再到反右斗爭,黨對知識分子采取了搖擺不定的政策。

And this method can consumedly reduce the expenses of landside correction . the stress remolding method of landside correction completely disengages limit equilibrium method of slope analysis . it ' s a new way and has great academic and practical meaning 采用應力重塑方法來研究邊坡的穩定性以及進行邊坡處治,完全脫離了極限平衡方法的范疇,是一個新的途徑,無論在理論上還是實際中都具有重大意義。

The analysis of the shortcomings of the culture of china ' s privately owned corporations justifies the necessity of remolding the culture by establishing the modern enterprise system , recruiting the needed talents , and strengthening its competition in the market 而重塑民營企業文化對民營企業建立現代企業制度、集聚人才、提高其市場競爭力有著十分重要的作用,因而重塑民營企業文化十分必要。

Our corporation provides technological process , precipitating chemical ( for the useless remains to sink ) , seed - bacteria , design for building factory or remolding old factory , equipment making , installation , training for technological staff and the retrievable potato protein 我方提供工藝技術、沉淀(絮凝)劑、菌種、建廠或舊廠改造的設計、設備制造、安裝、技術人員培訓、可回收馬鈴薯蛋白。

This paper researches the reform of state - owned enterprises and its related legal coordination and holds such an opinion that the set - up of modern enterprise system and corporation remold for state - owned enterprises will be the direction of the reform of state - owned enterprises 本文以國有企業改革及相關法律協調為研究對象,指出建立現代企業制度、進行公司化改造是國企改革的方向。

General layout , architecture design of feasibility studies report of “ the technology remold project of suzhou oxygen - produce machine factory for low - temperature - liquid store slots “ , this project has gone into operation and applying for excellent design prize of jiangsu province . 4 蘇州制氧機廠低溫液體貯罐項目可行性報告編制中的總圖篇章,該項目投產,正申報江蘇省優秀設計獎。

General layout of feasibility studies report of “ the technology remold project of nanjing fire - fighting utensil factory to move for harness pollution “ , this project has gone into operation and gained 3rd - grand excellent design prize of mechanical department . 3 南京消防器材廠治理污染搬遷項目可行性報告編制中的總圖部分,該項目已投產,獲機械部優秀設計3等獎。

The young should be good at innovating , be adept in practicing , be willing to transfer our knowledge into remolding activity of objective and subjective world , and the young must gain the truth and improve ability by practicing . 青年要善于創新,善于實踐,善于把所學的知識運用到改造客觀世界和主觀世界的活動中去,在實踐中繼續求得真知,增長才干。 ”