
remnant n.1. 剩余,殘余,余物,殘屑;剩貨;零頭;碎布;〔常...


Application and research of pillar remnant removal in hongtoushan copper mine 頂底柱回收應用與研究

You are my perfect customer . let ' s dig into the remnants 我最喜歡你這樣的客人讓我們來看看邊角料

Its remnants form the crab nebula 它的殘余物組成了蟹狀星云。

Will you completely destroy the remnant of israel ? 主耶和華阿,你要將以色列剩下的人滅絕凈盡嗎?

Dark red dots mark the locations of supernova remnants * * 屏保中暗紅的點表示已知的超新星遺跡* * 。

Remnants of the south gate of kowloon walled city 九寨城南門遺跡

The ground pressing control and safe stoping of remnant ores 大寶山礦區地壓控制與殘礦安全回收

We can ' t be sure but we assume that the remnants of the kpa 我們目前還不能確定該地區是否駐有

Comprehensive measures on improving the rate of remnant ore recovery 提高殘礦回收率的綜合措施

She bought a remnant of silk at a bargain 她廉價購得一塊零頭絲布。

Do not throw remnants of food on the floor or in the open 不要把剩馀的食物倒在地上或戶外。

I will sell this remnant to you , at cost 我愿將此剩貨照成本賣給你。

Secondary recovery practice of remnant ore in hetai gold mine 河臺金礦殘礦資源二次開采實踐

Filth and remnants of dread feasting choked the halls 地精狂歡之后留下的穢物充滿了大廳。

Supplement of the remnant tablet of zhengjiesi temple 慧濟寺三大寺為例

Numbly , i gather the remnants of my emotions , 麻木地收集我殘余的感情,

Come on , remnants are in the back of the store 過來,邊角料在倉庫后面

Therefore lift up a prayer for the remnant which is left 故此,求你為余剩的民揚聲禱告。

Are you making a full end to the remnant of israel 你要將以色列余剩的人滅絕凈盡么?