
remitter n.1.匯款人,出票人。2.【法律】(訴訟案件的)移轉。...


Party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities ( in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance , the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter . ) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0 . 5支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動退租,構成違約,甲方有權收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責任。

Telegraphic transfer money [ text ] telegraphic transfer money is with norm homeland by the remitter the money is handed in at bank of native foreign currency to exchange norm foreign currency , narrate bright the full name of person getting a money and address , again by undertake bank ( remit goes ) fold the subsidiary bank that sends telex of type of the cable that increase sign to give another state or acting travel ( collect row ) the way of a kind of remittance that demonstrative solution pays chamberlain 電匯正文電匯是由匯款人以定額本國貨幣交于本國外匯銀行換取定額外匯,并述明受款人之姓名與地址,再由承辦銀行(匯出行)折發加押電報式電傳給另一國家的分行或代理行(匯入行)指示解付給收款人的一種匯款方式。

Due to the recent change in the regulatory requirement for all out - going remittance transactions , the remitter s name , account number and address or , failing this , the remitter s hkid passport number or date of birth are required to be included in the remittance message 根據最近修訂之匯款監管規章,所有經銀行匯出之款項,匯款人之姓名銀行賬戶號碼及其地址或以香港身份證號碼護照號碼或出生日期代替均會列印于匯款附言中。

Please remit the full payment to our account through a bank which has a direct business relation with bank of china , otherwise extra handling fee might be charged by your bank or the bank between your bank and bank of china , and it will be born by the remitter 自翻譯成:請將全額款項通過與中國銀行有直接業務聯系的銀行電匯至我方公司賬戶,否則將在匯款處理期間自動收取額外手續費。

Telegraphic transfer money is gathering the fashion of a kind of remittance with faster , higher cost , remitter must burden wire charge , have amount only normally so bigger or the remit money that has urgent need just uses means of telegraphic transfer money 電匯是收款較快、費用較高的一種匯款方式,匯款人必須負擔電報費用,所以通常只有金額較大或有急用的匯款才用電匯方式。

Article 23 in case a postal money order is not cashed on account of the foregoing article , chunghwa post shall inform the remitter to take it back , and the remitter may not ask for a refund of the handling charge 第23條郵政匯票逾前條期間未經兌款者,中華郵政公司應通知匯款人領回,匯款人不得要求退還匯費。

If you wish to transfer fund into your account in our bank from overseas through telegraphic transfer , please send this instruction to the remitter or the remitting bank ?配合閣下正確辦理境外電匯匯入款業務,請您用英文填妥下列匯款信息,然后交由境外匯款人,憑以正確指示其往來銀行匯出匯款。

Name , identity card number or any other document of identity or travel document number with place of issue of remitter or his representative must be verified if he appears in person 如匯款人或其代表親身辦理匯款手續,必須查證其姓名和身分證號碼或其他身分證明文件或旅游證件號碼及簽發地點

Remittance is missing , the remitter should inquire inside 1 year only and claim for compensation , post office ought to inquire according to the regulation and compensate for 匯款丟失,匯款人只要在1年內查詢和索賠,郵局就應當按照規定查詢和賠償。

Instruction details including name and address of beneficiary , name and address of remitter 指示的詳情包括收款人的姓名和地址匯款人

Telephone number and address of remitter 匯款人的電話號碼及地址

Can l have the address of the remitter 能告訴我匯款人的地址么?