
remittance n.1.匯款;匯款額;支付(金額)。2.【法律】(案件的...


I want to convert the full amount of remittance into u . s . dollars 我想把這筆匯款全部兌換成美元。

What ' s your buy rate for australian dollar in remittance today 你們今天澳元的現匯買入匯率是多少?

Please fill out this remittance slip 請填寫這張匯款通知書。

May i ask the reason for your remittance 可以請問匯款的原因嗎

“ mortgage plus “ auto - remittance for mainland mortgage payment 推出按揭通代交內地樓按分期服務

I ' d like to convert the full amount of the remittance into u . s . dollars 我想把全部匯款換成美圓。

Some companies accept bank remittances as payment for products 有些公司接受以銀行匯款支付貨款。

Remittance of earnings without prior approval from the bsp -無須事先征得菲律賓央行同意的收入匯款

Hongkong post offers e - remittance service to over 190 countries 提供電子匯款服務至超過190個國家

But the remittance is under the name of robert williams 但這筆匯款是匯到羅伯特?威廉姆斯名下的。

They returned the completed form with your remittance 他們把填寫好的表格連同你的匯款一并寄出。

However , if you are withdrawing funds to remittance bank other than 可以,如您要求將款項匯至非

Excuse me , may i make foreign remittance 請問我能匯款到境外嗎?

How much of the remittance do you want to convert into japanese yen 你要把多少匯款換成日圓?

469 very well , sir . please fill out this remittance slip 好的,先生。請填寫這張匯款通知書。

Please fill out this remittance slip and sign your name here 請填寫這張匯單,并在這兒簽名。

The man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance 戴連指手套的人間歇地介入匯款

Your last month ' s salary will be paid by remittance 最后一個月的薪水將用匯款的方式付給你。

The maximum remittance amount per money order is usd2 , 000 每張郵政匯票上限定為2 , 000美元。