
remit vt.(-mitted; -mitting )1.匯寄,...


The case has been remitted from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal 此案已由上訴法庭轉給下級法庭處理

I need to remit gbp500 to london 我想匯500英鎊到倫敦。

Remit application fee and submit required documents for application 申請報名繳納報考費,提交所需資料。

Views sought on requirements on remitting and money changing 政府就修改匯款及貨幣兌換規定徵詢業界意見

Remit the interest to her new address 將利息寄到她的新地址

Upon verification of delivery , ups remits funds to the exporter 確認送抵完成, ups即匯款給出口商。

Kindly remit us the balance without delay 請立即將余額寄來

He remitted some money to his mother 他給他母親寄了一些錢。

Customer : do you charge for remit 顧客:匯款你們收手續費嗎?

The other new area under epd s remit is nature conservation 自然保育是環保署另一個新的工作范疇。

His prison sentence has been remitted 他的監禁刑罰已獲得赦免

Be the money that goes from public debt remit want invoice 不是從公帳匯出去的錢都要開發票的嗎?

“ so that you will remit to me these 48 , 000 francs ? “那么您可以把這四萬八千里弗付給我的了? ”

How to remit and how to settle accounts 怎么去匯出和結算帳目?

Please remit the full cost to factory when sending order 請將定貨單和所有款項一并匯到工廠。

We ' ve already remitted the amount by cheque 我們已經將款以支票匯出

We ve already remitted the amount by cheque 我們已經將款以支票匯出

The prisoner ' s sentence cannot be remitted 不能免除這個犯人的徒刑。

We ' ve already remitted the amount by cheque 我們已經將款以支票匯出。