
remission n.1. 寬恕,饒恕,(負債、捐稅等的)免除;免罪,赦免...

remission thursday

Stamping procedures and explanatory notes remission or refund of stamp duty exchange traded funds 加蓋印花的程序及注釋-減免或發還印花稅交易所買賣基金

Clinical observation on treatment 31 cases of chronic bronchitis at remission stage with bu fei granules 補肺顆粒治療慢性支氣管炎緩解期31例臨床觀察

63kb senior secondary fee remission school textbook assistance student travel subsidy schemes 申請一次過償還資助專上課程學生資助計劃貸款sfaa 185

Professor wang shouchuan s experience in treating the remission stage of pediatric asthma based on lung theory 汪受傳從肺論治小兒哮喘緩解期的經驗

For this is my blood of the new testament , which is shed for many for the remission of sins 28因為這是我立約的血,為多人流出來,使罪得赦。

Relax the requirements of the kindergarten fee remission scheme to benefit more families 放寬幼稚園學費資助計劃的準則,令更多家庭受惠。

In early phase of rheumatoid arthritis , the disease is characterized by remissions and relapses 類風濕關節炎的早期特征是時好時壞。

Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture on no - premonitory migraine at remission stage 針刺治療緩解期無先兆偏頭痛療效觀察

Rehabilitation guide of 32 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases in remission stage 緩解期慢性阻塞性肺疾病32側的康復指導

Fee remission scheme 學費減免計劃

Remission of estate duty 減免遺產稅

Today i think she s a teenager in very good health , completely in remission 我想今天她已是少年人,健康得很,完全康復了。

3c . his death was a sacrifice to god and a propitiation for the remission of sins ?為眾人之罪而死,成為眾人的贖罪祭。

The other 4 patients who got partial remission were all dead of this disease 而4位部分緩解的病患則全因此疾病亡故。

A fee remission scheme is available for local campers with financial difficulties 有經濟困難的本地營友可申請減免。

Senior secondary fee remission 高中學費減免

Kindergarten and child care centre fee remission scheme summary of statistics 幼稚園及幼兒中心學費減免計劃統計撮要

Treatment of children ' s asthma during remission with chinese medicine in four seasons 兒童哮喘緩解期的中醫四季治療

Agreement assignment application for remission of penalty for late stamping 買賣合約樓契申請減免逾期加蓋印花罰款