
remiss adj.1.怠慢的,疏忽的,不留心的。2.慢吞吞的,遲緩...


When the rightful interests are infracted by others while deputy organs are remiss in exercising litigation right , shareholders deputy litigation system is adopted to protect the interests of company and shareholder 當公司的正當權益受到他人侵害而公司的代表機關又怠于行使訴權時,股東代表訴訟制度是股東通過保護公司利益來保障自己利益的有效措施。

The two ladies let each other go ; then hastened again , as though each afraid of being remiss , to hug each other , began kissing each others hands and pulling them away , and then fell to kissing each other on the face again 兩個女人把手放開了,然后,仿佛懼怕遲誤似的,她們又互相抓住一雙手,親吻起來,放開兩只手又互相吻吻臉皮。

Man 1 : jeff , i would be remiss if i didn ' t ask this question i think i ask for a million americans who watch wilbon on television : are you sick of working with him yet 打了.他也被解雇過,所以他很懂這些.最困難的那部分就是在開始階段你對自己的能力和做過的每件時間都質疑.他非常了解這些,我希望他能夠找到一個對他來說合適的工作

It would be remiss of me not to also acknowledge the considerable efforts of mr . elmo d souza , who retired in march 2001 , in administering the department during the period in which he acted as the commissioner of inland revenue 另外,亦特別鳴謝蘇信先生在署理稅務局局長期間為本局所作的貢獻(蘇信先生在2001年3月榮休) 。

As he passed them he said - “ they are extremely handsome certainly , and you have done well to purchase them , although you were somewhat remiss not to have procured them sooner . 當他走近它們的時候,他說道, “它們的確長得很英俊,你買得不錯,盡管已經晚了一點。 ”

It would be remiss of me not to also acknowledge the considerable efforts of mrs agnes sin in administering the department during the period in which she acted as the commissioner of inland revenue 我亦須鳴謝單羅玉蓮女士在署理稅務局局長期間為本局所作的努力。

“ well , sally , i m in fault , and i acknowledge it ; i ve been remiss ; but i won t let to - morrow go by without stopping up them holes . 不過嘛,總不能怪耗子叼走了調羹吧,這我有數。 ” “啊,薩莉,是我有錯,這我承認。我疏忽大意了。

Nourish blood to tranquilize mind , appease neural system , remiss fatigue , improve sleeping and increase sleeping quality step by step 養血安神、解煩助眠,對精神系統有安撫作用,緩解人體疲勞,逐步改善睡眠,提高睡眠質量。

Last but not least , it would be remiss not to mention rockets assistant coach tom thibodeau 最后,我們還必須說一下火箭隊的助理教練希波杜,這一點也很重要。

I have been remiss , and am terribly guilty and apologetic 我真的很久沒有留言了,我真的感到非常內疚也很抱歉。

I have been remiss , and am terribly guilty and apologetic 我為我的又一次“失蹤”感到非常抱歉!

- her birthday ? - remiss of me , i know -她的生日? -我知道這是我的錯

Her birthday ? - remiss of me , i know 她的生日? -我知道這是我的錯

And i would be remiss in my responsibility 如果我不把孩子們立刻交給你

It was remiss of her to forget to pay the bill 她忘了付帳,真粗心大意

It was remiss of him to forget her birthday 他竟忘了她的生日,實在是糊涂。

The cause of the traffic accident is remiss of the driver 這起車禍起因于駕駛疏忽

I just realized , i ' ve been remiss . forgive me 我剛剛意識到,我太粗心了.原諒我

She felt that if i were completely remiss in religious conformity it would cast doubt upon the staunchness of her faith . 她認為如果我在遵奉宗教上完全疏忽大意的話,那會使別人對她那堅定不移的信仰產生懷疑。