
remise n.1.【擊劍】再刺,重刺。2.(高級)出租馬車;馬車房...


Secondly , the paper gives the description of the total trend of beijing ’ s realty at present , exploration of real estate , the transfer zhd remise of public ground , the selling of commercial and economic houses , exploration of housing construction , and development conditions of exploration enterprises , it also analysis the problem existed in the beijing ’ s realty industry at moment 其次,通過對北京市房地產業的現狀進行分析研究,著重描述當前北京市房地產業整體走勢;房地產開發用地;國有土地劃撥、出讓;商品房、經濟適用房銷售;住宅建設和市場狀況;房屋租賃;城市危舊房改造;開發企業等等方面的發展狀況,并側重剖析當前北京市房地產業發展中存在的問題。

The former mostly includes finance trench , which consists of urban maintenance and constructive tax , add - ons of public utility , urban land - using tax , the debt of local government , remise of urban state - own land - using right and special national debt capital , and so on ; administrative charge trench , which consists of apportion , raising the price of urban infrastructure products and services , and so on ; practicality investing trench , which mostly consists of corresponding capital for urban infrastructure provided by real estate exploiters ; other financing trenches , which consist of time - limiting remise of operating authority on urban infrastructure section , introducing into foreign capital , short term loan of civil financing institution , and so on . the latter includes the innovation on the main investors , which consist of the anticipation of civilian capital and other non - financing institutions , and the innovation on financing tools , which consist of project financing , investment funds on industry , municipal bonds and initial public offering , and so on 前者主要指以政府作為投資主體下的各種融資工具,包括財政稅收渠道(包括城市維護建設稅和公用事業附加、城鎮土地使用稅、地方政府債務、城市國有土地使用權有償出讓、國債專項資金等) ;行政收費渠道(包括攤派、提高基礎設施產品和服務的價格等) ;實物投資渠道(主要是讓房地產開發商為城市基礎設施提供配套資金) ;其它融資渠道(包括市政設施部門專營權有限期出讓、引進外資、國內金融機構的短期貸款等) ;后者則包括融資主體的創新(民間資本的參與以及其它非銀行金融機構的介入)和融資工具的創新(項目融資、產業投資基金、市政債券、股票上市等) 。

Since the standard of compensation is made by the government , it can not reflect the scarcity of land . the compensation for expropriated land is too low , and leads to a big gap between the remise price of state - owned land and the expropriation compensation to the peasant concerned interest groups pursue the land benefit from their self - interest angles . the behavior of concerned interest groups not only hurts the peasant benefits , but also speeds up the farming land transfer to be non - farming land 由于土地征用補償標準是由政府制定的,不能夠反映土地資源的希缺程度,過低的征地補償費導致國有土地的出讓價格和征地補償之間存在著巨大的利差,有關利益主體對土地收益展開了激烈的追逐,他們從各自的利益出發不僅損害了農民的利益而且也加速了土地的非農化。

Since land for value use system came into force , sand incomes handed in state for country and provincial economic starting - up have acted as proto accumulation of capital , land incomes from all branches of government annually have occupied most of financial revenue . for example , in 2002 , jiangsu province . land remise cash is about to amount 30 billion 自從我國開始實施土地有償使用制度以來,上交國家的土地收益(租稅費)為我國地方經濟的啟動充當了資本原始積累的作用,對地方城市建設更是具有不可替代的作用,即使是現在,國家各級政府每年收取的土地收益也占財政收入的一大部分,如江蘇今年的土地僅出讓金預計可達300億(楊任遠, 2002 ) 。

Regarding retains the customer to anticipate the power the protection , divides into two kind of situations , one is betrays the human to remise again sign other people or damages , when the reduced sign value to anticipated the power the protection , two is the third person temporarily violates the anticipation to anticipate the power the protection 對于保留買主期待權的保護,分為兩種情況,一是出賣人將標的物再讓與他人或毀損、減少標的物的價值時對期待權的保護,二是第三人侵害期待權時對期待權的保護。

Based on the above analysis , i get the main conclusions as followed : 1 . in the market of farmland expropriation and remise , the peasant interest group get 32 % land benefits ; the county government interest group get 52 % land benefits ; the upward county government interest group get 15 % land benefits . in the market of non - farmland expropriation and remise , the peasants group get 26 % land benefits ; the county government interest group get 67 % ; the upward county government interest group get 7 % land benefits 最后,在以上分析的基礎上,筆者得出以下結論: 1 、在征用耕地并出讓的整個過程中,農民利益集團得到了土地收益的32 ,縣級政府利益集團得到土地收益的52 ,縣級以上政府利益集團得到土地收益的15 ;征用非耕地并出讓的整個過程中,農民利益集團得到了土地收益的26 ,縣級政府利益集團得到土地收益的67 ,縣級以上政府利益集團得到土地收益的7 。

This part mainly consists of the land resource status of she county , the character of land market , and benefit distribution of land in the process of land expropriation and land remise 其次,根據自己取得的調查數據,嚴格測算在土地征用出讓過程中的土地收益在有關利益集團之間的分配比例。

When the time limit to remise or lease out comes , the users have the priority to continue renting 租賃土地期滿后,使用者可優先續租或受讓。

Remise right of assets revenue 出讓資產使用權收入