
reminiscent adj.1.懷舊的,回憶的。2.喜談往事的。3.暗示…的...


This is a faded old sugar - cane town with lattice - trimmed buildings that maintain a country charm reminiscent of a bygone era 這個昔日的甘蔗小鎮,已然失去了往日的光華。只剩下一座座建筑縱橫有序的排列著,還保留著曾經的一絲風光。

Hippie - esque belts , shirts and pants are going to be cast aside for simpler pieces with clean lines reminiscent of early 1960s design 類似嬉皮士的腰帶、襯衫還有褲子將被具有六十年代早期設計懷舊氣息,簡潔的線條,簡單形式來取代。

The olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient olympic games . it symbolizes brightness , solidarity , friendship , peace and fair play 奧運圣火:是人們緬懷古代奧運會的象征。它象征著光明,團結,友誼,和平,正義。

Set in contemporary london , closer is funny and powerful , and reminiscent of such nichols classics as who s afraid of virginia woolf and carnal knowledge 沒有絕對好壞對錯的感情關系。對愛情的價值觀是否需要重新定位?

The interior of black samurai lounge is reminiscent of a foreign bar , with the tv set mounted high in a corner permanently tuned to a sports channel 黑武士餐坊的風格很像外國酒吧,高掛墻角的電視,頻道總是鎖定在運動臺。

This is reminiscent of the incident in 1986 when syria was blamed for the attempted bombing of an el al flight in london 這使人聯想起1986年的那次事件,當時敘利亞被譴責在倫敦實施了針對以色列航空公司航班的爆炸未遂事件。

What these results suggest is a two - fold process , sadly reminiscent of the biblical quotation to which the title of this article refers 這些結果顯示的是一個兩方面的過程,是對圣經引語沮喪的回憶,如這篇文章標題所示。

Bankers say strong growth in the asian equity capital markets business is reminiscent of the growth in europe over the previous five years 銀行人士表示,亞洲股市業務的強勁增長,令人回憶起歐洲股市此前5年的增長。

The hit song “ yes , we have no bananas , “ is reminiscent of this drum - heavy musical style , especially from trinidad and tobago 暢銷曲“是的,我們沒有香蕉”令人想起這種特別是出自千里達和托巴哥鼓聲沉重的音樂風格。

The war in iraq has been pursued with “ an arrogant self - delusion reminiscent of vietnam ” and is “ destroying our military ” 伊拉克戰爭已經被“自大的、無視事實的推上越戰覆轍” ,并在“摧毀著我們的軍隊” 。

The aromas are complex and the flavours reminiscent of almonds and nuts , promoted by the natural oxidation that occurs inside the oak butts 在橡木桶內的自然氧化促使它的香氣復雜、回味中有杏仁和堅果的香氣。

There are shades colors reminiscent of fine amber wine , the blush of a luscious peach , fiery oranges , and still more colors within these groupings 另一種說法認為是由焚文“ topas ”衍生而來,意即“火” 。

For example , the indigo and light gray colors on the bottom of the pool are reminiscent of the chinese “ wash “ paintings 清水池是古今中外色彩的大都會。池底的藍靛與淡灰色使我們想起中國畫師的山水墨。

Late afternoon is the perfect time for tea in the lobby of the peninsula hotel , reminiscent of the grandeur of days gone by 位于尖沙咀的香港半島酒店裝潢古典,最適合在下午茶時分到來,慢慢呷一杯香檳。

The welcome dinner was a disaster reminiscent of high school dances at which boys stood on one side of the gym and girls on the other 歡迎晚餐是在一個高校舞會之后。男孩站在一邊,而女孩站在另一邊。

People struggling to survive below the poverty line are living in conditions reminiscent of the 1960s and 70s , a survey revealed 一項調查發現,在貧窮線下掙扎的人,生活質素已經倒退回六、七十年代。

For tvs , the code of conduct includes a feature reminiscent of u . s . fleet specifications for automobile fuel economy 對電視機來說,產品法規包括的一項特性使人想起美國汽車燃料系統的耗散指標。

Ign : some of the character design is reminiscent of final fantasy . what sets lost odyssey apart from that series 許多角色看起來讓人聯想到“最終幻想”系列里的人物,如何能區分這兩個游戲呢?

Directed by trailblazing auteur yoshida yoshishige , this classic of early new wave evokes a haunted love reminiscent of brokeback 么是不可方物,喜歡《浮云》里的她,更不能不看她這里仿似遇