
reminiscence n.1.回想,追憶,回憶;懷念,記憶力,回想力;懷念的事...


Every memorial building carries reminiscences and mourning of the martyrs as well as the feelings and reactions to reality 沒有一座紀念建筑不帶上思念、回憶、緬懷、哀悼及對現實環境的感受和感應。

It is one of the largest fishing rafts areas in hong kong ; they are reminiscence of hong kong s olden days as a fish port 它是香港最大的養魚區之一,見到一連串的漁排,令人感受到昔日漁港風情。

It is one of the largest fishing raft areas in hong kong ; they are reminiscence of hong kong s olden days as a fish port 它是香港最大的養魚區之一,見到一連串的漁排,令人感受到昔日漁港風情。

The evening gave them quite another turn : laid down on my traveller s bed , i left reminiscence for anticipation 夜間,我的思緒轉了向。我躺在這遠游者的床榻上,撇開回憶,開始了對未來的向往。

I remember , i remember you with the flag ! said kutuzov , and a flush of pleasure came into prince andreys face at this reminiscence 我在奧斯特利茨就記得你記得,記得,我記得你手擎一面軍旗。 ”

Turn on by atmosphere already at reminiscences of earlier revolutionary time “ pan tiger “ on chinas the writers moustaches vasts first 中國作家胡曠創作的革命回憶錄《潘虎》就已開風氣之先。

Turn on by atmosphere already at reminiscences of earlier revolutionary time “ pan tiger “ on chinas the writers moustaches vasts first 中國作家胡曠創作的革命回憶錄潘虎就已開風氣之先。

What reminiscences of a human subject suffering from progressive melancholia did these objects evoke in bloom 關于身患進行性憂郁癥的一個人的主體,這些客體在布盧姆心里喚起了什么樣的回憶?

I want smiles through tears , bittersweet moments of reminiscence and the chance to offer some last bits of wisdom 我想要含淚的微笑、苦中有甜的回憶以及把臨別作為提供最后幾點看法的機會。

Besides , the return of the 80 ’ s the fashion has focused on dotted skirts as a reminiscence to the 30 ’ s and 40 ’ s 另外, 80年代流行時尚的回歸著重裙子上的裝飾,以懷念三四十年代。

Did their conversation on the subject of these reminiscences reveal a third connecting link between them 他們圍繞這些回憶而談著的話中,可曾透露出雙方之間還有第三個聯系?

To mark twain , as a youngster and through the eye of reminiscence , the river was all existence 對于馬克?吐溫而言,不論在他的童年,還是在他的回憶里,那條河是整個生命。

“ the young have aspirations that never come to pass , the old have reminiscences of what never happened . 年輕人擁有那從未來臨的渴望,年老人擁有那從不曾發生的記憶。

Message by professor lap - chee tsui 4 : 15pm - reminiscences by professor johannes chan and dr linda tsui 4 : 00pm -副校監李國寶博士及校長徐立之教授分別致詞

There are some reminiscences making me believe that the first manipulations started earlier , 1967 還有些記憶使我相信第一次被控開始的較早,是1967年。

First hand reminiscences of cinema predecessors are the most valuable material for researchers 前輩影人的經驗之談,對研究者來說是最寶貴的資料。

Noble personality high ability and unremitting efforts - reminiscences of the great philosophy master , dainian zhang 張岱年先生的人格和治學精神

Besides histories , we have many volumes of reminiscences , and biographies with number 除了歷史書籍外,我們還有不計其數的回憶錄和傳記。

Besides histories they have many volumes of reminiscences , and biographies without number 除歷史書外,他們還不計其數的回憶錄和傳記。