
reminisce vi.追憶[緬懷]往事 (of)。vt.追憶[懷舊]地說...


Roger williams donates his piano artistry each christmas eve , playing seven christmas services . thats a wow ! when they finished their planning , roger took us to dinner . we were reminiscing about our families and mrs . schuller said , “ i don t remember you telling me about your siblings , brothers or sisters . 樂造和師母要計劃今年的平安夜聚會,我們會邀請來自世界各地的七位嘉賓樂造會彈琴,他們看完了一切之后,對我說了一件事我起初不大明白,直到后來吃晚飯時,師母問他:

It also has a library and an exhibition gallery . its ground floor and its tower are used for the “ heritage exhibition of a traditional pawnshop business “ , where the original dcor , storage tower and paraphernalia of the pawnshop are preserved so that visitors may reminisce about pawnshop business in the past 文化會館內亦設有圖書館及展覽館,而地下及塔樓則辟為文化局的典當業展示館,保留了當鋪原有的設置、貨樓及用具等,讓參觀者緬懷昔日典當業的面貌。

It also has a library and an exhibition gallery . its ground floor and its tower are used for the heritage exhibition of a traditional pawnshop business , where the original dcor , storage tower and paraphernalia of the pawnshop are preserved so that visitors may reminisce about pawnshop business in the past 文化會館內亦設有圖書館及展覽館,而地下及塔樓則辟為文化局的典當業展示館,保留了當鋪原有的設置、貨樓及用具等,讓參觀者緬懷昔日典當業的面貌。

Within the museum premises , visitors expect an environment for them to reminisce , to have a social experience , and to feel being part of a community , i . e . a place where they find meaning and value , and delight in exploring the diversity of the human experience 在博物館內,參觀人士期望有一個環境或空間可以讓他們緬懷過去,汲取社會經驗,或對自己身為社會一分子得到認同。這樣既可令他們找尋到意義及價值,亦可愉快地尋求豐盛多姿的人生經歷。

“ lifelong learning , dedication to service and impartial application of the law are the three rules that i have followed throughout my service . “ so said deputy commissioner of police mr lau yuk - kuen whilst reminiscing about his 37 - year policing career 終身學習,服務為本,公平執法就是三個這么簡單的道理,陪伴著我度過充實的警隊歲月。

The new evian bottle named origine is a monolithic ice - like sculpture , reminiscing the alpine mountain tops where evian water has been flowing with its mineral richness and purity for over 8000 years 新的依云包裝瓶名為“起源” ,是一個冰狀的雕塑品,形象地再現了“依云水”流淌于阿爾卑斯將近8000年,高山賦予了其豐富的礦物質和永恒的純凈。

These alumni of national chengchi university were also members of the campus kunshan style drama society , who still reminisce the hustling and bustling great old days of rehearsing and staging 這群政大昆曲社畢業的校友,戀戀不忘當年在社團排戲的日子,于是傳承當年演出時對清響絕倫與曲韻巧囀的期待,千古傳唱細膩多情的昆曲折子戲!

Bjorn and joe mckeever came to the plant of huarun company . while mr . zhang guoping , mr . wang niangu and mr . ju caiyuan as part of the original technology transfer came to the company , greet them . they reminisced about their visit to the uk in 1966 我公司為方便同行業以及同仁查閱我公司資料,公司又增加兩個網絡實名: 1 。中國不飽和聚酯樹脂

Of course , this is the venue of many , many high budget , upscale and well orchestrated and publicized shows . we came to reminisce the first concert of sharon cuneta here . it was sro 當然這是許許多多高預算高格調杰出的管弦樂和高知名度的秀的演出場地,讓我們不禁緬懷夏隆古納塔在這里舉行的第一場音樂會,全場爆滿!

And the old soldiers , rows of military medals pinned to their civilian colthes , are reminiscing about the war , the friends they lost and the savage , tragic history of the country they saved 而這些老兵,便服上別了一排排的軍功章,正在追憶戰爭、失去的友人,以及他們所拯救的這個國家一頁頁殘暴的苦難史。

Later that night , as i made my forty minute drive to my third shift job , i listened as the station reminisced and paid tribute to a man who was loved by many 過了一會兒,也就是我開車去我的三份工作的途中,大概四十分鐘的路程,我一直聽著電臺對那個受眾多人愛戴的播音員的追憶和贊美。

The two ex - guards continued to huddle together on the cold pavement and reminisced about the past year , and about the times they had enjoyed together as fellow guards of heaven 兩人繼續瑟縮在冰冷的行人道上,共同訴說過去一年的風光,又懷緬昔日一起當天庭侍衛的快樂日子。

Many had not seen each other in the 35 years since their relocation from district six . tears flowed freely as people reminisced about their happy old times together 自從他們搬離此地,有些朋友已闊別三十五年不曾碰面,當他們高興地緬懷往事時,不禁淚流滿面。

And we started reminiscing about my daughters strangest gift request id ever heard of in my life . have you ever heard of a two year old child asking for a stop sign 另外我們又記起女兒想要最奇怪的圣誕禮物你有聽聞兩歲的小孩想要一個停車路牌嗎?

Now successful but emotionally barren , he reminisces upon the days working with tamiko in the glistening fields of chrysanthemums 有天兩人分別出門,在田野遠遠看見,互相招手,最后聚頭,一起勞作,情意全歸平淡。

In the glistening candle light , do you reminisce or look ahead ? memorable as the past is , it is more advisable to create your future 在搖曳的燭光中,你是懷念過去,還是向往未來?過去雖值得留念,卻永不如創造未來。

While ballard and smith reminisce warmly , some younger australians are dismissive of any emotional ties to britain 當巴拉德和史密斯陶醉于往事之中時,一些年輕的澳大利亞拒絕承認任何與英國之間的感情紐帶。

It comes closer to another full end of a year when we reminisce the past and wish for the best of the next year 一年將盡,又逢圣誕節和新年了,此刻亦是感恩與希冀的時候。

Already we reminisce about past sweet fridays , and daydream about the one coming up 我們經常回憶已經過去的甜蜜星期五,而且還夢想著下一個快樂星期五的到來。