
remington n.雷明頓〔姓氏〕。


At the same time , using remington ' s wheel - rail interaction model , calculate the interaction force between the wheel and rail and the input power of each subsystem . evaluate the mode count , damping loss factor and coupling loss factor . according the fundamental of the acoustics , predict the wheel - rail noise 同時利用remington建立的輪軌接觸模型,由輪軌間的表面粗糙度譜計算出了輪軌間的接觸力,并將其作為產生輪軌振動的激勵力得到了各子系統的輸入功率。

The 6 . 8 mm remington spc is limited to relatively short bullets to fit within the maximum cartridge length of 5 . 56 mm weapons , so the grendel has a shorter ( 39 mm ) and fatter case , leaving room for longer , low - drag bullets , which retain their velocity out to long ranges 8毫米的雷明頓spc缺少相配套的短彈頭使之合適于5 . 56毫米武器的最大彈藥筒尺寸,因此格倫德爾的彈殼更短( 39毫米)更胖一點,為遠距離低阻彈頭留出空間。

The 6 . 8 mm case is based on the old . 30 remington hunting round of 10 . 6 mm rather than 9 . 5 mm diameter , which reduces magazine capacity ; a magazine similar in size to the standard 30 - round 5 . 56 mm one will take about 28 rounds of 6 . 8 mm 6 . 8毫米彈殼源自老式. 30英寸雷明頓直徑10 . 6毫米而不是9 . 5毫米的獵槍彈,這樣一來減少了彈匣容量;一個與標準30發5 . 56毫米彈尺寸相似的彈匣可以裝入28發6 . 8毫米彈。

This popular visitor attraction features a superlative collection of classic and contemporary western art , including works by charles russell , frederic remington , and the famous 18 - foot sculpture , the end of the trail 其實在西部大開發的過程中處處彌漫著羅曼蒂克的風情。這里收集了大量歷史和現代西部文化藝術品。

What would be the penalties if the us ( and presumably nato at some point ) were to decide to adopt a more powerful cartridge like the 6 . 8 mm remington spc or 6 . 5 mm grendel 如果美國(以及此后某個時間的北約)決定換裝諸如6 . 8毫米的雷明頓spc或是6 . 5毫米格倫德爾彈藥筒等更強勁的彈藥時會有什么負面效果呢?

Nippon remington univac kaisha , ltd . , established under an agreement between sperry corporation of the us and mitsui co . , ltd . was the predecessor of today s nihon unisys 日本雷明頓優尼韋克有限公司是由美國的斯佩里sperry公司和三井公司聯合成立的公司,是今天日本優利公司的前身。

One of the guards was forced to open the cash box and the culprits made off with two plastic bags containing some $ 1 . 2 million . they also took away a remington from the guard 他們強迫其中一名解款員打開錢箱后,搶去兩個裝有一百二十萬元現金的錢袋。

The adventure of tom sawyer was the first novel ever to be written on a typewriter . it was typed on a remington in 1875 by mark twain himself 湯姆索亞歷險記是第一部在打字機上打出來的小說,那時馬克吐溫于1875年用一臺雷明頓牌打字機親自打的。

( the artist who captures the cowboy , captures the american soul . once it was frederic remington . now it is william matthews 藝術家記錄著牛仔,也在記錄著美國心靈。那個藝術家曾經是弗雷德里克?雷明頓( 1861 - 1909 ,美國藝術家) ,現在是威廉?馬修斯。

A black bag , a knife and a remington were recovered near the wong tai sin mtr station . investigations by regional crime unit , kowloon east , are proceeding 事后探員在黃大仙地鐵站附近檢獲一個黑色袋,一把刀及起回被槍去的雷明燈長槍。

During the course , they also took away a remington loaded with three ammunition and a walkie - talkie , which were later recovered in the vicinity 期間,匪徒同時掠去一支載有三發子彈的雷明燈長槍及一部對講機。

It s much cheaperwhen you order in advance and you are guaranteed a seat . remington park 云南省昆明市和平路25號,蔡老師教你學插花布藝刺繡!

And on the third day , god created the remington bolt - action rifle 第三天,上帝創造了雷明頓推膛式步槍

Daddy took his remington and shot away the lock 為了救出他的小可愛,