
remind vt.使想起,使記起,提醒 (of; that; how...


The use of these lists has reminded many of readers of the poet walt whitman . 這些細節的使用使許多讀者回想起詩人瓦特惠特曼。

May i remind everyone that this committee has authority to make a binding decision . 讓我提醒大家這個委員會有權做約束性的決定。

Once more peter was reminded that his own days here might well be numbered . 彼得又一次想到自己在這里的日子可能是指日可數了。

I reminded the committee that we were petitioning for the guarantee of a loan . 我提醒委員會,我們懇請要得到一筆貸款的保證。

They descend with a gliding motion that reminds one of the flight of birds . 他們下山時的滑翔動作,使人聯想起鳥類的飛行。

The wayside object reminded him so much of his courtship of his wife . 路邊的風物,老使他想起他向他太太求愛那時候的光景。

In his conclusion, he reminded the assembly of its historic opportunity . 最后,他提醒大會注意,它目前所處的歷史時機。

She didn't want to be reminded of her beauty or her former vigor . 現在,她不愿人們提起她昔日的美麗和以前的精力充沛。

De craye, as willoughby had often reminded him, was properly norman . 威洛比經常提醒德克雷,他是個正宗的諾曼底人。

If you had n't reminded me of this matter , i would certainly have forgotten it . 虧了你提醒我,不然真把這事忘了。

Now that you remind me of this matter , i have a vague impression of it . 這事經你一提醒,我腦子里才有點兒影子。

The exchange reminded her of the stratagem she had thought of yesterday . 這一交談使她想起了她昨天所考慮的計謀。

Speaking of manufactures reminds me of a talk upon that topic . 談到制造業,這使我聯想到關于這個問題的一次談話。

He's a mighty fine man, and reminds me of my cousin, dan malony . 他長得很好,有點兒像我的堂兄弟旦恩瑪洛內。

It all reminded me uncomfortably of prelude to the bay of pigs . 這一切使我不安地回想起豬灣事件發生前的情景。

It reminds the scientist of the universal implications of his work . 它提醒科學家注意到他的工作的普遍牽連性。

Day in and day out, we who were in school were constantly reminded . 日復一日,在學校的我們不斷受到提醒。

I reminded him of the appointment , but he did n't make any response . 我提醒他約會時間,但他沒有搭腔。

Do you guess that i have come to remind you of a promise ? 你可猜得到,我是來提醒你答應過的一件事嗎?