
remembrancer n.1. 使想起的人[物],提醒者;紀念品;備忘錄。2....


The glittering , exquisite and vivid architecture remembrancer selects artificial crystal and metal and adopts unique process inlay to demagnify the symbolized building 公司簡介:晶瑩璀璨、精美逼真的《建筑紀念品》 ,是將標志性建筑藝術微縮,選用人造水晶與金屬材料,以獨特的工藝鑲嵌而成。

Young hopeful will be christened mortimer edward after the influential third cousin of mr purefoy in the treasury remembrancer s office , dublin castle 這個前途無量的嬰兒,將以普里福伊先生那個在都柏林堡財務廳工作的有聲望的遠房堂弟莫蒂默愛德華而命名。

It has ever been chose as the remembrancer of import international conference and was collected by the famous person both nationally and internationally 曾多次作為重大國際會議的紀念品,并被眾多國內外知名人士收藏。