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remembrance day 〔英國〕休戰紀念日。


Police will implement special traffic arrangements to facilitate a ceremony for the remembrance day which will be held at the cenotaph of statue square , central , on november 14 ( sunday ) 警方將于十一月十四日(星期日)在中環實施特別交通措施,以方便在中環皇后像廣場和平紀念碑舉行的紀念活動。

Police will implement special traffic arrangements to facilitate a ceremony for the remembrance day which will be held at the cenotaph of statue square , central , on november 10 ( sunday ) 警方將于十一月十日(星期日)在中環實施特別交通措施,以方便在中環皇后像廣場和平紀念碑舉行的紀念活動。

Police will implement special traffic arrangements to facilitate a ceremony for the remembrance day which will be held at the cenotaph of statue square , central , on november 9 ( sunday ) 警方將于十一月九日(星期日)在中環實施特別交通措施,以方便在中環皇后像廣場和平紀念碑舉行的紀念活動。

Remembrance day will be marked at stamford bridge on saturday by a period of silence prior to kick - off between chelsea and watford 本周六( 11 . 11 )是榮軍紀念日, (第一次世界大戰停戰日) ,在斯坦福橋,我們在與沃特福德的比賽前,將要進行默哀。

Speech delivered by the commissioner of police , mr lee ming - kwai , at the force remembrance day on november 11 , 2006 警務處處長李明逵在殉職警務人員紀念日的演辭全文十一月十一日

The two - minute siren at 10 a . m . is an annual tradition in observance of holocaust remembrance day 上午10點開始的兩分鐘鳴笛是每年大屠殺紀念日的傳統。

The two - minute siren at 10 a . m . is an annual tradition in observance of holocaust remembrance day 上午10點開始的兩分鐘鳴笛每年大屠殺紀念日的傳統。