
remembrance n.1.記憶;回憶,回想;記憶力。2.紀念,追憶;紀念品...

remembrance day

It ' s been a day of remembrance in pakistan 這是巴基斯坦的紀念日。

The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful 昔日傷心事,思之有樂趣。

The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful 記住過去的不幸使人愉快。

Remembrance is a dream that comes in waves 回憶是蕩漾在波浪里的夢

You have to remove your awful remembrance in your brain 你必須在頭腦中去除這些可怕的記憶。

I ' m afraid i have no remembrance of out days together 恐怕我一點兒記不起我們共處的時光了。

It ' s been a day of remembrance in pakistan 今天是巴基斯坦的紀念日。

He thrilled deliciously at the remembrance 一回憶起來他就欣喜震顫。

The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future 聚散離合總有時天下無不散之宴席

In remembrance of the battle , we set up a museum 為紀念那次戰役,我們建立了一座博物館。

Christian eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of jesus 基督徒以吃面包喝酒紀念耶穌。

Remembrance of things past - lee sun - fung s costume films 往事知多少漫游李晨風的古裝世界

It ' s been a day of remembrance in pakistan 這一天是巴基斯坦的紀念日。

Special traffic arrangements for remembrance day 和平紀念日特別交通措施

Goodness , remembrance , and love have no end 美德、紀念和愛將永不停息。

It ' s been a day of remembrance in pakistan 對于巴基斯坦來說,今天是個值得紀念的日子。

He had a lively remembrance of his childhood 他對他的童年生活記憶猶新。

The witness lost all remembrance of the accident 這位目擊者對這個事故一點也不記得了。

It ' s been a day of remembrance in pakistan 這是巴基斯坦值得紀念的一天。