
remedy n.1.醫藥;藥品;醫療,療法。2.補救(法),糾正(法...


Incorrect use of japanese respectful speech and remedy 日語敬語使用錯誤及其防范

Identification and remedy for administrative flaw action 行政瑕疵行為辨析與補救

I ' ll tell you my favorite remedy for a cold 我會告訴你我所中意的治感冒的方法。

I desire the reader will observe, that i calculate my remedy for this one individual kingdom of ireland and for no other that ever was, is, or i think ever can be upon earth . 我還要請讀者明鑒,這套濟州方略是專為愛爾蘭這個國家而制訂,并不適用于過去,現在,以至將來世界上其他任何國家。

In subsequent volumes garland-a prolific writer-tended to spoil his stories by preaching populism or single tax remedies of henry george . 加蘭在以后出版的著作里--他是個多產作家--宣揚了民粹主義或亨利喬治的單一稅論,這反倒使作品遜色了。

In considering the remedies for poverty we should remember that many of the seeming causes of poverty are often also the results of poverty . 在分析醫治貧困的藥方時,我們應該記住,許多看來貧困的原因常常也是貧困的后果。

He had a year before assigned colonel william k. harrison to investigate its organizational weaknesses and search out a remedy for them . 一年前他就指派哈立遜上校,研究組織上的弱點,并尋求改進方法。

The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies . 買方可能享有的要求損害賠償的任何權利,不因他行使采取其它補救辦法的權利而喪失。

Right or wrong in her convictions about what is the remedy for britain's ills, she has been utterly true to her own belief . 且不論她對重振英國的主張是否正確,她對自己的主張始終堅信不移。

The buyer may not, during that period of time, resort to any remedy which is inconsistent with performance by the seller . 買方不得在該段時間內采取與賣方履行義務相抵觸的任何補救辦法。

By granting special trading privileges to remedy some of the harm, industrial countries can make matters worse . 通過賦予特別貿易優惠,以補救某些損害,工業國會把事情搞得更糟。

One obvious remedy is to reduce emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere . 減少硫氧化物和氮氧化物向大氣的排放量是一個有效的治理措施。

It is the opinion of this meeting that socialism is the only remedy for unemployment and poverty . 大會一致認為社會主義是失業和貧困的唯一解救辦法。

She imagined that there was no remedy for her illnot even timeno remedy but death . 她認為沒有任何東西能治好她的病,連時間也不能除了死亡。

He sent for ramsay, but bertha knew that the doctor's remedies were useless . 他叫人去請拉姆齊大夫,但伯莎知道醫生的診治無濟于事。

Doubtless, he administered a rough remedy to cool the fit of passion . 毫無疑問,他在那兒采用了一種粗暴的治療法壓下那一陣憤怒。

In that case tariff reform is the remedy for a disease that does not exist . 照你這樣說,關稅改革只能治療一種并不存在的疾病。

I will no longer endure it, though yet i know no wise remedy to avoid it . 我不能再忍受下去,雖然還不知有何妙法可以擺脫它。

He asked my name, which i was very loath to give, but there was no remedy . 他問我的姓名,我很不愿意告訴他,但是沒有辦法。