
remediless adj.治不好的;不能挽回的;無法糾正的;無法修補的。


Article 49 a copyright owner or copyright - related right owner who has evidence to establish that another person is committing or will commit an act of infringing his right , which could cause a remediless loss to his legitimate rights and interests if the act is not prevented immediately , may apply to a people ' s court for adopting such measures as order to stop the relevant act and property preservation before he initiates an action 第四十九條著作權人或者與著作權有關的權利人有證據證明他人正在實施或者即將實施侵犯其權利的行為,如不及時制止將會使其合法權益受到難以彌補的損害的,可以在起訴前向人民法院申請采取責令停止有關行為和財產保全的措施。