
remediation n.【教育】補習,輔導。adj.-al


Usa . comprehensive non hazardous waste management services , including soil remediation , drum processing and transportation -回收廢舊塑料金屬機械設備電線等物資。

Numerical modeling of remediation of groundwater in a wellfield of in - situ leaching of uranium by pump - and - treat system 某地浸采鈾井場地下水抽出處理修復的數值模擬

Progress in mechanism studies was reviewed and summarized of soil phyto - remediation 概述了植物修復的機制,并回顧近年來國內外關于植物修復多環芳烴方面的研究進展。

Site investigation and remediation system design and consultation and design for thermal desorption system 中石化公司安順廠地下水污染整治系統規劃設計計畫顧問

Review of in - situ remediation technology and its application for groundwater contaminated by trichloroethylene 三氯乙烯污染地下水的原位修復技術研究及應用現狀

Photo of bio - remediation of anoxic sediment being carried out in the sam ka tsuen typhoon shelter in 2004 三家村避風塘于2004年采用生化方法處理缺氧沉積物圖片

Standard guide for developing and implementing short - term measures or early actions for site remediation 地基修補時短期程序或早期措施制訂與實施的標準導則

Soil quality - activities related to contaminated sites consulting , engineering , site clean - up and pollution remediation 土質.與污染場所有關的活動

Standard guide for remediation of ground water by natural attenuation at petroleum release sites 在石油釋放場所根據自然衰減進行地下水補救的標準指南

Analysis of influencing factors on in - situ remediation of leachate - polluted groundwater with prb technology 技術處理污染地下水的影響因素分析

This remediation activity could potentially defer landfill closure costs indefinitely 此補救措施可能會延緩垃圾掩埋無法確定的關閉成本。

Study on remediation and ecological restoration for temporary land - u se in highway construction 高速公路臨時用地復墾和生態恢復技術研究

Rhizosphere remediation and its mechanism of benzo a pyrene - contaminated soil by growing ryegrass 芘污染土壤的根際修復及其酶學機理研究

Remediation of natural eco - environment of urban inland lake by introduction of river water into lake 引江入湖修復城市內湖自然生態環境

Anion getter and its utilization in pollution prevention and environment remediation 陰離子捕獲劑及其在污染防治與環境修復領域中的應用

Development of in - situ remediation technology for petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater 石油烴污染地下水原位修復技術研究進展

Mechanism and methods of bioaugmentation remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon - contaminated soil 菌根聯合修復石油污染土壤的實驗研究

Experimental study on conditions of chromium - contaminated soil remediation by aboriginal microbe 兩種工業共生組織模式的比較研究

Ecological remediation of wastes resources by comprehensive utilization in coastal ecosystem 江蘇省沿海灘涂資源特征及其優化配置