
remedial adj.1.醫治(用)的,治療上的。2.挽回的,補救的;...


This makes it possible to apply remedial suppression measures so that any re - qualification results will be positive 應用補償抑制測量,使再鑒定結果得以肯定。

The reasons of advanced wear for these machineries are analyzed and remedial ways are sought out 就隧道施工機械的超前磨損原因進行了分析,并尋找了補救途徑。

The protective and remedial effect of vitamin b1 and vitamin con the injured cardiac functions induced by alcohol 對酒精引起的心功能損傷的預防及修復作用

Rectification ? the remedial provisions to be applied when an irregularity has come to the director ' s attention 糾正? ?裁判遇到的違例所采取的補救措施。

The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children ' s regular school work 孩子們在輔導班上獲得的自信持續到他們正常的學校學習中去

Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another 安慰的話,寬心的話某些沒有內在補救作用的東西,僅僅用來安慰他人

Remedial classes supplementary lessons for selected high low achievers in mathematics english 為數學科英文科能力較高和稍遜的學生開辦輔導班補習班。

Fatal - used to indicate that an error has occurred and remedial action is not possible 致命錯誤-用于表示發生了錯誤,補救措施也無能為力。

Develop english remedial teaching and english singing club for middle and higher graders 成立中高年級英語補救教學及英語歌謠社團。

Functional defects in institutions ' employment system and realistic remedial choice 事業單位人員聘用制度功能缺陷與補缺的現實選擇

Remedial problem , consult professional doctor please , want suit the remedy to the case 治療問題,請咨詢專業醫師,要對癥下藥。

It is remedial measure whether the administrable permission is legality and just 它是行政許可結果是否合法、公正的補救措施。

Slope remedial works 斜坡修葺工程

These remedial can be adopted according to the probabilistic safety analysis ( psa ) 根據概率安全分析,這些補救措施能被采用。

The government was already striking a balance between preventive and remedial work 目前政府已在預防和補救工作之間取得平衡;

Now the remedial target of be particular about is person tumour coexists for a long time 現在講求的治療目標是人瘤長期共存。

Did not want to spend money in bother , how remedial effect won ' t be apparent 不要在勞神花錢了吧,怎么治療效果不會很明顯的。

Problems in the coerced institutional change of the soes and the remedial policy 國有企業強制性制度變遷存在的問題及矯治對策

Critical - used to indicate an error which requires immediate remedial action 緊急-用于表示發生了錯誤,需要緊急補救措施。