
rembrandt Rembrandt , van Rijn [Ryn] 倫...


Visitors to the new - look madame tussauds hong kong can not only meet their favourite idols but also join them in doing whatever has made them famous all to the accompaniment of appropriate background sounds . you can putt with tiger woods , shoot hoops with yao ming , dance on stage with aaron kwok and even step into a rembrandt painting ! guests can stroll through the attraction stopping to mingle with the stars and celebrities in the themed areas of hong kong glamour , music icons , historical and national heroes , the champions and world premiere 漫游魅力香江樂壇巨星風云人物世界首映和體壇猛將五個主題展區,不但可與心愛的偶像會面和合照,還可親身參與他們的拿手好戲,如跟高球巨星活士比試身手與籃球名將姚明一起灌籃入樽和舞臺王者郭富城比拼舞藝,甚至走入倫勃朗的名畫之中,化身成為畫中的主人翁!

The father heard that his son was coming back , and then comes the moment when the two connect , embracing each other . that moment was captured so beautifully in christian art by rembrandt and it hangs in the hermitage museum in leningrad , russia 這句話真的很可怕,那次戰爭就在那橋上發生,我的朋友在那兒被炸死,我亦在那兒發出最終的求問:神,為甚么會這樣?

Replace today ' s bicycles and cars with horse - drawn carts , add more barges on the waterways , and this is essentially how amsterdam must have looked to rembrandt as he did his rounds of wealthy merchants 如果把今天的自行車和汽車換成馬車,在河上增添幾艘游船,這應該就是倫布蘭特在為富商作畫時眼中的阿姆斯特丹的形象了。

Giacometti , the sculptor , once said , ' if i were caught in a fire and i had to choose between a rembrandt and a cat , i ' d save the cat , and then i ' d let the cat go 賈柯梅蒂,一位雕塑家,曾經說過: “如果我被困在一場火災中,并且要在一幅名畫和一只貓之間作出選擇,那么我寧愿救貓,然后把它放走。 ”

Throughout the year , in part of the building to be renovated last , it is presenting some 400 paintings and other 17th - century objects representing the golden age in which rembrandt prospered 在整年中,博物館除了一邊做修繕,還展示了代表倫布蘭特鼎盛時期400多件畫作和其他17世紀的藝術品。

Rembrandt , born rembrandt harmenszoon van rijn in leiden , holland , in 1606 , executed5 an average of two self - portraits annually during his most creative working years 倫勃朗?哈曼斯佐恩?范?吉恩1606年出生于荷蘭的萊登。天才般的倫勃朗在極富創作力的繪畫生涯中,平均每年作兩幅自畫像。

Another voice shouted angrily , “ we didn ' t come here to see this painting . we came to see the van gohs , the rembrandts . get on with the real bids “ 另外一個聲音高喊著,非常憤怒: “我們不是來這里看這幅畫的,我們是來看梵高的畫,看倫伯朗的畫的。快進入真正的競標吧。 ”

I ' d no more scribble all over the first edition of “ paradise lost ” than i ' d give my baby a set of crayons and an original rembrandt 譯文:我決不會在一本初版的《失樂園》上亂涂亂寫,正如我不會把一盒蠟筆連同一幅倫勃朗的原畫交給我的嬰孩讓他任意涂寫一樣。

Classic vqy al european art has interesting aesthetics , and choosing - this was xfdr m hge to a previous hobby of mine . _ ere ' s another meaning in the choice uckxkl of rembrandt 歐洲的古典藝術的審美是很有意思的,選擇這個是對曾經愛好的一種彌補。

I ' d no more scribble all over a first edition of “ paradise lost “ than i ' d give my baby a set of crayons and an original rembrandt 我絕不會在一本初版的《失樂園》上亂涂亂寫,就像我不會把一幅倫勃朗的原作連同一盒蠟筆交給我的孩子任意涂抹一樣

Brash young dandies , prosperous middle - aged artists , introspective1 old men ? all of them stare mesmerisingly2 out of rembrandt ' s self - portraits 盛氣凌人的年輕的紈绔子弟,成功的中年藝術家,內省的長者? ?所有人都入迷地盯著倫勃朗的自畫像。

But amsterdam has two advantages : it boasts the world ' s largest rembrandt collection ? and tourists like to come here anyway 不過阿姆斯特丹有兩個優勢:第一,它自諭擁有倫布蘭特的最多收藏品,第二,游客也喜歡來這里觀光。

58 masterpieces by the great artists of the time ( rubens , van dyck , rembrandt , vermeer and others ) will be on display 將展示代表了那個時代的畫壇巨匠(魯本斯、凡?代克、倫勃朗特、維梅爾)的58件著名作品。

This year , amsterdam is celebrating the 400th anniversary of rembrandt ' s birth , and it is hard to escape his shadow 因為今年,阿姆斯特丹在慶祝倫布蘭特400歲誕辰,所以這一切難以脫離他的光環。

The high resolution copies of priceless paintings included works by monet , da vinci , rembrandt , and michelangelo 這些高解像的無價名作復制圖,包括了莫內,達文西,林布蘭特與米開朗基羅。

These include works by jan steen , vermeer and frans hals as well as by rembrandt and his pupils 這些藝術品包括了斯蒂恩、維梅爾和弗蘭茲.哈爾斯以及倫布蘭特和其學生的作品。

In 1631 , at the age of 25 , rembrandt moved to amsterdam , one of the great art capitals of the day 1631年, 25歲的倫勃朗,遷往當時堪稱宏偉藝術都市之一的阿姆斯特丹。

You may start collecting buttons and end up collecting rembrandts ; it ' s the way it goes 你也許會從收藏鈕扣開始,到最后就能去收藏倫勃朗特的繪畫作品了。就是這樣。

The sale of the painting was conditional on the expert ' s agreement that it was an original rembrandt 這幅畫的出售須要有專家認可它確是倫勃朗的原作才行。