
remarry vt.,vi.(使男或女)再結婚;再娶;再嫁。


If you do not remarry by the end of the month , steps will have to be taken 如果這個月底你不再婚的話我將采取措施

That ' s unbelievable . in california , i could remarry as soon as i wanted 真是難以置信,在加州,我想多早再婚都行

You ' re perfectly free to remarry 你隨時可以再婚

They almost stoned me for remarrying 人們都反對我和

Husbands and wives remarry , thinking their spouses are dead 認為自己的配偶早已死去的丈夫和妻子們都已再婚。

There are many single parent families and remarried families in the u . s . a 在美國有許多單親家庭和再婚家庭

Promise me you ' ll never remarry 答應我你永遠不會再娶

Another remarries , adding someone new to the equation 另外一個朋友再婚了,給我們之間的等式增加了新人。

It pains us thatyou won ' t remarry 你不改嫁讓我們很心疼

I get that he has a right to get remarried , but he doesn ' t know her 我知道他有權再婚,但他并不了解她

If her dad remarried in the south 她還能有弟弟或者妹妹

She got remarried four years ago 嗯,她4年前再次結婚了

Mrs . luther remarried since his husband has been dead and gone 丈夫死了好長時間以后,路德夫人改嫁了。

I remarried three years ago . an lnternet mail - order thing 我三年前再婚的你知道那些網上筆友約會什么的

Will : hence , the word remarried 威爾:所以才叫“再婚“ 。

Remarried ? you know , number four 是否會和第四個男人結婚?

Wife : “ then why wouldn ' t you remarry ? 那, ,為什么你不再婚

He got divorced from her last year and remarried her this year 他去年和她離婚了,今年又和她復婚了。

Yeah . she got remarried . 4 years ago 有。她再婚了. 4年前的事